与美国小学生一起学英文第11册 第26期:分数
时间:2018-04-19 02:29:37
Fraction 分数
What is a fraction? 什么是分数?
In mathematics, a fraction means any part of a number. 分数在数学中是指数的任意部分。
If you learned division, it must be easier for you to understand a fraction. 如果你学了除法,就很容易理解分数了。
When you divide four by two, you will get two. 四除以二等于二。
It is because two is half of four. 因为二是四的一半。
This symbol for a fraction is
slash1. 分数的表示符号是斜线。
A fraction explains how to count a part of something. 分数解释如何计算某物的一部分。
Why do we need fractions? 我们为什么需要分数?
Fractions help us get an answer, if the result is not a whole number. 如果计算结果不是整数,就可以用分数表示。
Then, how do we read a fraction? 那么,我们是怎么读分数的?
When you see three slash seven, you read it three-sevens. 例如,“3/7”读作七分之三。