与美国小学生一起学英文第11册 第32期:青春期
时间:2018-04-19 02:33:58
Puberty 青春期
Do you know why children's bodies look different from adult's bodies? 孩子的身体为什么看起来和成年人的身体不一样?
It is because adults passed puberty. 那是因为成年人过了青春期。
means1 the process of physical change. 青春期是指身体变化的过程。
Why do our bodies change? 为什么我们的身体会变化?
It is because our brain send different
hormones2. 那是因为我们的大脑传送不同的荷尔蒙。
Isn't our body smart? 我们的身体是不是很聪明?
During puberty, boys and girls develop different organs, so they can be ready to have a baby. 青春期期间,男孩和女孩发育不同的器官,因此他们就可以准备生孩子了。
Usually, girls have puberty two to four years earlier than boys. 女孩的青春期通常比男孩要早两到四年。
Before puberty, boys and girls have similar body shapes. 青春期前,男孩和女孩的体型相似。
But after puberty, there are huge differences between man and woman. 但青春期后,男人和女人就大不相同了。