与美国小学生一起学英文第12册 第14期:共产主义
时间:2018-04-20 01:13:45
Communism 共产主义
If everyone is equal and everyone has the same amount of money, will everybody feel happy? 如果每个人都是平等的,每个人都有同样多的钱,那么每个人都会感到快乐吗?
Communists believe so. 共产主义者认为是这样。
Communists believe that communism is the best social system. 共产主义者认为共产主义是最好的社会制度
Decades ago, people weren't treated the same in Russia. 几十年前,在俄罗斯,人们的待遇不同。
There were the royal family,
aristocrats1 and serves. 有皇室,贵族和帮佣之分。
Some people were rich even though they didn't work at all. 有些人很富有,尽管他们根本不工作。
One person Karl Marx thought it was unfair, so he created communism. 卡尔·马克思认为这很不公平,于是他创立了共产主义。
In an
ideal2 society of communists, people share all that they earn, and no one has more power than another. 在一个理想的共产主义社会里,人们分享他们的所得,权利平等。