与美国小学生一起学英文第12册 第29期:单簧管
时间:2018-04-20 01:26:52
Clarinet 单簧管
Do you know what a clarinet is? 你知道单簧管是什么吗?
A clarinet is a musical instrument. 单簧管是一种乐器。
When you blow through the mouth piece of a clarinet, the reed of the clarinet vibrates and makes a sound. 当你往单簧管的吹口吹气时,它的簧片会振动并发出声音。
Because the clarinet reed is made of wood, a clarinet is called a woodwind instrument. 因为单簧管簧片是由木头制成的,所以单簧管被称为木管乐器。
Then how do you make different sounds? 那你怎么发出不同的声音呢?
While blowing the mouth piece, you should press different keys of the clarinet. 你朝吹口吹起时,应该按单簧管的不同音键。
The sound of a clarinet is similar to the sound of a
flute1, but it can make lower sounds. 单簧管的声音与长笛相似,但它可以发出较低的音。
Many students learn to play the clarinet at school. 许多学生学习在学校演奏单簧管。