时间:2018-05-23 09:07:02
It is chiefly with his name that I now have to do. 我现在所要做的,主要是解释它的名字。
Some centuries ago, when the
Sperm2 whale was almost wholly unknown in his own proper individuality, and when his oil was only accidentally obtained from the
stranded3 fish; 几百年前,在抹香鲸的固有特性差不多完全未为人所知,它的油只是偶然从死鱼中获得时;
in those days spermaceti, it would seem, was popularly supposed to be
derived4 from a creature identical with the one then known in England as the Greenland or Right Whale. 所谓鲸脑似乎都被公认是来自当时在英国称为格陵兰鲸或者是露脊鲸的一种动物。
It was the idea also, that this same spermaceti was that quickening humor of the Greenland Whale which the first
syllable5 of the word
literally6 expresses. 这实在也是一种糊涂想法,这种鲸脑的叫法,就是对格陵兰鲸的活生生的讽刺,因为鲸脑这个词儿的第一个音节就已完全说明一切了。
In those times, also, spermaceti was exceedingly scarce, not being used for light, but only as an
ointment7 and medicament. 当时,鲸脑也是极其希罕的,并不拿它来点灯,而只是用以作为油膏和药剂。
It was only to be had from the druggists as you nowadays buy an ounce of rhubarb. 它只能在药房里才买得到,就象人们现今去买一英两大黄一样。
When, as I opine, in the course of time, the true nature of spermaceti became known, its original name was still retained by the
dealers8; 我以为,等到鲸脑的真正的性质已逐渐为人所知的时候,在相当的一段期间内,做生意人还是继续保存着它原来的名字;
no doubt to enhance its value by a notion so strangely significant of its
scarcity9. 无疑的,这是利用人们对它那稀罕的特点的看法而想抬高其价值的做法。
And so the
appellation10 must at last have come to be
bestowed11 upon the whale from which this spermaceti was really derived. 因此,这个称呼,最后终须授予那一种真正出产这种鲸脑的鲸了。
BOOK I. (Folio), CHAPTER II. (Right Whale).--In one respect this is the most venerable of the leviathans, being the one first regularly hunted by man. 第一篇(对开型) 第二章(露脊鲸)...在某一方面说来,这是大海兽中资格最老的鲸,因为它是首先被人类经常猎捕的一种鲸。
It yields the article commonly known as whalebone or
baleen12; and the oil
specially13 known as whale oil, an inferior article in commerce. 它所产生的东西,就是众所周知的鲸须;它的油被特称为鲸油,在商业上是一种劣等货。