时间:2018-05-30 00:32:50
But the bird has a voice, and with plaintive1 cries will make known her fear; 可是,鸟儿还有一声叫喊,会用阵阵的哀鸣来表示它的恐惧;
but the fear of this vast dumb
brute2 of the sea, was chained up and
enchanted3 in him; 而这只海里的大哑兽的恐惧,却好象被拴住了,给人施上了魔法似的;
he had no voice, save that choking
respiration4 through his spiracle, and this made the sight of him unspeakably pitiable; 它除了从喷水孔里喷出来的那阵闷气,一点声响都没有,这就教人看得顿生一阵难以言状的怜悯心了。
while still, in his amazing bulk, portcullis
jaw5, and
omnipotent6 tail, there was enough to
appal7 the
stoutest8 man who so pitied. 然而,它那吓人的身躯,格子闸似的嘴巴,和硕大无比的尾巴,可还是足以使最强健、而又怀有如此恻隐之心的人丧胆的。
Seeing now that but a very few moments more would give the Pequod's boats the advantage, and rather than be thus foiled of his game, 德立克这时看到,只消再过一会儿,就会给"裴廓德号"占了上手,也就是说,他就得这样白白失去他的猎物,
Derick chose to hazard what to him must have seemed a most unusually long
dart9, ere the last chance would for ever escape. 于是,他自以为,与其让这个最后机会一去不返,不如以一种罕见的长程掷枪来冒一冒险了。
But no sooner did his harpooneer stand up for the stroke, than all three tigers—Queequeg, Tashtego, Daggoo, 可是,正当他的标枪手站了起来,想掷枪的时候,"裴廓德号"的三只老虎——魁魁格,塔斯蒂哥,大个儿,
darted15 over the head of the German harpooneer, their three Nantucket irons entered the whale. 掠过那个德国人标枪手的头顶掷了出去,他们那三支南塔开特的枪头都插进了那大鲸的身上,
The three boats, in the first fury of the whale's headlong rush, bumped the German's aside with such force, 那条鲸勃然大怒,向前狂奔,三只小艇就砰地把那只德国人小艇撞在一边,来势之猛,
that both Derick and his baffled harpooneer were spilled out, and sailed over by the three flying keels. 把德立克跟他那个扑了空的标枪手都一起摔了出去,三只如飞的小艇径自向前划去了。
Don't be afraid, my butter-boxes, cried Stubb, casting a passing glance upon them as he shot by; 别怕,我的黄油罐子,斯塔布朝他们身边射出去的时候,匆匆地瞥了他们一眼,叫道:
"ye'll be picked up presently— all right—I saw some sharks astern—St. Bernard's dogs, you know— relieve
distressed18 travellers. "立刻就有人来打捞你们——一点不假——我看到船梢有不少鲨鱼哪——那就是圣·伯纳的狗,你们知道——那是专门捞救遭难旅客的。