时间:2018-05-30 00:38:16
But there are instances where, after the lapse1 of many hours or several days, the sunken whale again rises, more buoyant than in life. 但是,也有许多场合,在经过许多钟头或者好几天后,那条沉下去的鲸又会再浮上来,比它活着的时候更有浮力。
But the reason of this is obvious. 不过为什么会这样,道理却很明白,
Gases are generated in him; he
swells2 to a
prodigious3 magnitude; becomes a sort of animal balloon. 因为它满身是气,胀得那么硕大无比,已经成了一只大气球。
A line-of-battle ship could hardly keep him under then. 碰到这种场合,就是一只大战舰也压它不下去。
In the Shore Whaling, on soundings, among the Bays of New Zealand, 在古代的捕鲸业中,每当在新西兰海湾一带搜索的时候,
when a Right Whale gives token of sinking, they fasten
buoys4 to him, with plenty of rope; 如果碰到一条有下沉迹象的露脊鲸,他们就用许多绳索把它拴在浮筒上,
so that when the body has gone down, they know where to look for it when it shall have
ascended5 again. 这样,等到那尸身沉下去的时候,他们就可以在它再浮起来的时候,在那个地方找到它了。
It was not long after the sinking of the body that a cry was heard from the Pequod's mast-heads, announcing that the Jungfrau was again lowering her boats; 那尸体沉了不多久,"裴廓德号"的桅顶又叫喊起来,说是"处女号"又在放下小艇了;
though the only
spout6 in sight was that of a Fin-Back, belonging to the species of uncapturable whales, because of its incredible power of swimming. 不过唯一可见的喷水,是那种叫做脊鳍鲸,那种不能捕捉的鲸的喷水,因为它具有无可置疑的游水能耐。
Nevertheless, the Fin-Back's spout is so similar to the
Sperm7 Whale's, that by unskilful fishermen it is often mistaken for it. 尽管如此,脊鳍鲸的喷水却跟抹香鲸极为相象,因此,不高明的捕鱼人,往往会把它弄错。
And consequently Derick and all his host were now in
valiant8 chase of this unnearable
brute9. 难怪德立克和他的全体水手,这会儿都去骁勇地追击起这种不能接近的野兽了。
Virgin10 crowding all sail, made after her four young keels, and thus they all disappeared far to
leeward11, still in bold, hopeful chase. "处女号"扯满所有的篷帆,紧跟着它那四只小艇,就此消失在下风处,继续在作勇敢的、满怀希望的追击。
Oh! many are the Fin-Backs, and many are the Dericks, my friend. 我的朋友啊,脊鳍鲸何其多,德立克也何其多哟!