时间:2018-05-30 01:22:40
therefore, as the Pequod gained more and more upon Java Head, the look-outs were repeatedly hailed, and admonished1 to keep wide awake. 因此,"裴廓德号"越来越驶近爪哇岬的时候,就一再地关照那些瞭望水手,要他们充分提高警惕。
But though the green palmy cliffs of the land soon
loomed2 on the starboard bow, 不过,虽然不久在船头右舷隐现出了一片长满了棕榈树。
and with delighted
nostrils3 the fresh cinnamon was snuffed in the air, yet not a single jet was
descried4. 碧绿的峭壁也似的大地,空间荡漾着一股新鲜桂皮的扑鼻香气,可是,连一个喷水都没有见到。
renouncing5 all thought of falling in with any game hereabouts, the ship had well nigh entered the straits, 这时,大家都差不多认为在这附近不会有碰到任何猎物的希望了,船只也已经快要进峡。
when the customary cheering cry was heard from aloft, and ere long a spectacle of singular magnificence
saluted6 us. 哪知就在这时,桅顶上发出一声惯常的欢呼声来,不一会儿,一幅非常壮丽的景象就映入我们的眼帘了。
But here be it premised, that owing to the unwearied activity with which of late they have been hunted over all four oceans, 但是,得先在这里提一下,最近抹香鲸因为遭到四面八方不断的追击,
Sperm7 Whales, instead of almost invariably sailing in small detached companies, as in former times, 所以它们现在不象以前那样:差不多总是一小群一小群的游着,
are now frequently met with in extensive
herds8, sometimes embracing so great a multitude, that 而是让人们经常看到数目浩大的一群一群了,有时结集数目之大,
it would almost seem as if numerous nations of them had sworn solemn league and
covenant9 for
mutual10 assistance and protection. 简直教人以为它们仿佛是许多国家聚在一起,在为互助互卫而歃血盟誓。
may be
imputed13 the circumstance that even in the best cruising grounds, 从而使得最近甚至在最有利的巡游渔场,
you may now sometimes sail for weeks and months together, without being greeted by a single
spout14; 往往也会航行了几个星期、几个月而连一个喷水也看不到,
and then be suddenly saluted by what sometimes seems thousands on thousands. 但接着却突然碰上了有时看来有成千成万的大鲸。