时间:2018-05-30 01:29:22
then, the harpooneers seemed more to grieve that the swift whales had been gaining upon the ship, 这时,标枪手们对于那些疾奔的大鲸之迫近船边所感到的忧伤,
than to rejoice that the ship had so
victoriously1 gained upon the Malays. 似乎远远超过这只船之这么胜利地超越于马来人所感到的欢乐。
But still driving on in the wake of the whales, at length they seemed
abating2 their speed; 不过,再继续紧跟在鲸群后边追赶一阵后,那些鲸好象终于也把速度降低下来,
gradually the ship neared them; and the wind now dying away, word was passed to spring to the boats. 船也逐渐逼近它们了;现在风已停息,船上也下令要跳下小艇了。
But no sooner did the
herd3, by some presumed wonderful instinct of the
Sperm4 Whale, 但是,这一大群鲸,好象出自抹香鲸的奇妙的本能,
become notified of the three keels that were after them,— though as yet a mile in their rear, than they rallied again, 一发觉后边有三只小艇在追赶他们——虽然相距还有一英里之遥,它们就又聚拢来,
and forming in close ranks and
battalions5, so that their
spouts6 all looked like flashing lines of stacked bayonets, moved on with redoubled
velocity7. 列成紧密的队伍,所以它们的喷水完全象是一片闪光的枪林弹雨,以加倍的速力奋勇向前。
Stripped to our shirts and drawers, we sprang to the white-ash, 我们脱下衣服,只剩衬衫衬裤,把小艇一冲就冲到迷蒙的白雾里去,
and after several hours' pulling were almost disposed to
renounce8 the chase, 经过了几个钟头的划桨,划得差不多叫人要放弃这个追逐了,
that they were now at last under the influence of that strange perplexity of
inert11 irresolution12, 它们现在终于陷入失却自主,进退两难的古怪窘境,
which, when the fishermen perceive it in the whale, they say he is gallied. 这也就是捕鲸人在看到大鲸这种情况时,管它叫"吓怕了"的时候。
The compact
martial13 columns in which they had been hitherto rapidly and
steadily14 swimming, were now broken up in one measureless
rout15; 这支紧密结合的勇武的队伍本来游得那么迅速稳定,如今却是七零八落,溃不成军了;
and like King Porus' elephants in the Indian battle with Alexander, they seemed going mad with
consternation16. 它们象是古印度波拉斯王的象队跟亚历山大作战时那样,似乎都吓得要发疯了。
In all directions expanding in vast irregular circles, 到处都是杂乱无章的大圈圈,
and aimlessly swimming hither and
thither17, by their short thick spoutings, they plainly betrayed their
distraction18 of panic. 毫无目的地游来游去,从它们那种短促而浓密的喷水看来,教人清清楚楚地看出它们惊惶失措,走投无路了。