时间:2018-05-31 01:40:18
For blacks, the year's calendar should show naught1 but three hundred and sixty-five Fourth of Julys and New Year's Days. 因为对黑人说来,在他们的日历上,一年三百六十五日,天天都是七月四日和新年。
Nor smile so, while I write that this little black was brilliant, for even blackness has its brilliancy;
behold2 yon
lustrous3 ebony, panelled in king's cabinets. 所以如果我把这个小黑人写成个精神焕发的人物,请别见笑,因为即使是黑色的东西,它本身也有光泽,如其不信,请看一看那种镶嵌在国王密室里的光闪闪的黑檀木细板吧。
But Pip loved life, and all life's peaceable securities; 不过,比普热爱生活,热爱那种稳妥安全的生活。
so that the panic-striking business in which he had somehow unaccountably become
entrapped4, had most sadly
blurred5 his brightness; 所以当他不知怎么一来,竟弄得让人家诱进了那种胆战心惊的行当里时,可就大大地损伤了他的焕发精神了。
though, as ere long will be seen, what was thus temporarily
subdued6 in him, 我们不久就可以看到,为什么他这样一时间遭到挫伤,
in the end was
destined7 to be
luridly8 illumined by strange wild fires, 结果就注定要让一阵奇特的狂焰照得如火般红,
fictitiously9 showed him off to ten times the natural
lustre10 with which in his native Tolland County in Connecticut, 以至于传奇式地显出了十倍于他在康涅狄格州的托兰郡老乡的天生的光泽来。
he had once enlivened many a fiddler's frolic on the green; 他从前在故乡的草地上,
and at
melodious11 even-tide, with his gay ha-ha! had turned the round horizon into one star-belled
tambourine12. 在情调绮丽的黄昏时分,曾经以他那快活的哈哈大笑,为多少提琴手的狂奏助过兴,把四周的大地都化为一个星光闪烁的小手鼓。
So, though in the clear air of day, suspended against a blue-veined neck, the pure-watered diamond drop will healthful glow; 因此,虽然那种挂在青筋暴出的脖子上的纯水色的金刚钻,在光天化日之下,也会发出正常的光辉来;
yet, when the cunning jeweller would show you the diamond in its most impressive lustre, 然而,如果那个狡猾的珠宝商,为了要对你显出金刚钻的最令人感动的光泽,
he lays it against a gloomy ground, and then lights it up, not by the sun, but by some
unnatural13 gases. 而把它放在阴暗的角落里,然后,不是用太阳光,而是用一种非天然的煤气灯光把它一照,
Then come out those
fiery14 effulgences, infernally superb; 那么,它所露出来的那种如火如荼的光辉,却是再吓人也没有的了;
then the evil-blazing diamond, once the divinest symbol of the crystal skies, looks like some crown-jewel stolen from the King of Hell. 于是那块如放魔光的金刚钻,那块一度是水晶宫里的最为神妙的标志,就象是从阎罗王那里偷来的冠宝了。
But let us to the story. 不过,我们还是言归正传吧。