月亮和六便士 第十五章(6)
时间:2018-07-02 02:02:57
You know, I'm not sure that your husband is quite responsible for his actions. “你知道,我不敢肯定你丈夫的行动是不是要由他自己负责。
I do not think he is himself. 我觉得他已经不是他自己了。
He seems to me to be
possessed1 by some power which is using him for its own ends, and in whose hold he is as helpless as a fly in a spider's web. 他好像被一种什么力量抓住了,正在被利用来完成这种势力所追逐的目标。他像是被捕捉到蛛网里的一只苍蝇,已经失去挣扎的能力。
It's as though someone had cast a spell over him. 他像被符咒逮住了一样。
I'm reminded of those strange stories one sometimes hears of another personality entering into a man and driving out the old one. 这使我想起人们常常说的那种奇怪的故事:另一个人的精神走进一个人的躯体里,把他自己的赶了出去。
In the old days they would say Charles Strickland had a devil. 如果在过去,人们就会说查理斯·思特里克兰德是魔鬼附体了。
Mrs. MacAndrew smoothed down the lap of her gown, and gold bangles fell over her wrists. 麦克安德鲁太太把她衣服的下摆理平,臂上的金钏滑落到手腕上。
"All that seems to me very far-fetched, " she said acidly. “你说的这些话我觉得太离奇了点儿,”她尖酸地说,
"I don't deny that perhaps Amy took her husband a little too much for granted. “我不否认,也许阿美对她丈夫过于放任了。
If she hadn't been so busy with her own affairs, I can't believe that she wouldn't have suspected something was the matter. 如果她不是只顾埋头于自己的事,我想她一定会发觉思特里克兰德的行为有些异样的。
I don't think that Alec could have something on his mind for a year or more without my having a pretty shrewd idea of it." 如果阿莱克有什么心事,我不相信事过一年多还不被我看得清清楚楚的。”
The Colonel stared into
vacancy4, and I wondered whether anyone could be quite so innocent of
guile5 as he looked. 上校眼睛茫然望着空中,我很想知道有谁的样子能像他这样胸襟坦荡、心地清白。
But that doesn't prevent the fact that Charles Strickland is a heartless beast. “但这丝毫也改变不了查理斯·思特里克兰德心肠冷酷的事实。”
"I can tell you why he left his wife—from pure selfishness and nothing else whatever." “我可以告诉你为什么他抛弃了自己的妻子——纯粹是出于自私,再也没有其他理由了。”
That is certainly the simplest explanation, I said. “这肯定是最易于为人们接受的解释了,”我说。
But I thought it explained nothing. 但是我心里却想:这等于什么也没有解释。
When, saying I was tired, I rose to go, Mrs. Strickland made no attempt to detain me. 最后我说身体有些劳累,便起身告辞了。思特里克兰德太太并没有留我多坐一会儿的意思。