月亮和六便士 第十七章(2)
时间:2018-07-02 02:10:23
She was a little ashamed of her courage and business capacity, but delighted that she was going to dine the next night with a K.C. who lived in South Kensington. 对自已经营打字行业的胆略和见识她不好意思多谈,但是一说起第二天晚上要在一位家住南肯星顿的皇家法律顾问那里吃晚饭,却总是眉飞色舞。
She was pleased to be able to tell you that her son was at Cambridge, 她很愿意告诉你她儿子在剑桥大学读书的事;
and it was with a little laugh that she
spoke1 of the rush of dances to which her daughter, just out, was invited. 讲起她女儿刚刚步入社交界,一参加舞会就应接不暇时,她总是得意地笑了起来。
I suppose I said a very stupid thing. 我觉得我在和她聊天的时候问了一句蠢话。
Is she going into your business? I asked. “她要不要到你开的这个打字所里做点儿事?”
Oh no; I wouldn't let her do that, Mrs. Strickland answered. "She's so pretty. I'm sure she'll marry well." “啊,不,我不让她做这个,”思特里克兰德太太回答,“她长得很漂亮,我认为她一定能结一门好亲事。”
I should have thought it would be a help to you. “那对你将会有很大的帮助,我早该想到的。”
Several people have suggested that she should go on the stage, but of course I couldn't consent to that, I know all the chief dramatists, “有人建议叫她上舞台,但是我当然不会同意。所有有名的戏剧家我都认识,
and I could get her a part tomorrow, but I shouldn't like her to mix with all sorts of people. 只要我肯张嘴,马上就能给她在戏里派个角色,但是我不愿意她同杂七杂八的人混在一起。”
I was a little chilled by Mrs. Strickland's exclusiveness. 思特里克兰德太太这种孤芳自赏的态度叫我心里有点儿发凉。
Do you ever hear of your husband? “你听到过你丈夫的什么消息吗?”
No; I haven't heard a word. He may be dead for all I know. “没有,什么也没有听到过。说不定他已经死了。”
I may run across him in Paris. Would you like me to let you know about him? “我在巴黎可能遇见他。如果我知道他什么消息,你要不要我告诉你。”
She hesitated a minute. 她犹豫了一会儿。
If he's in any real want I'm prepared to help him a little. “如果他的生活真的贫困不堪,我还是准备帮助帮助他。
I'd send you a certain sum of money, and you could give it him gradually, as he needed it. 我会给你寄一笔钱去,在他需要的时候,你可以一点一点地给他。”
That's very good of you, I said. 你真善良,我说道。
But I knew it was not kindness that prompted the offer. 但是我知道她答应做这件事并不是出于仁慈的心肠。
It is not true that suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes men petty and
vindictive2. 有人说灾难不幸可以使人性高贵,这句话并不对;叫人做出高尚行动的有时候反而是幸福得意,灾难不幸在大多数情况下只能使人们变得心胸狭小、报复心更强。