月亮和六便士 第二十一章(4)
时间:2018-07-02 02:32:43
Wouldn't it give you a rather pleasing sensation to think of people you didn't know and had never seen receiving emotions, subtle and passionate1, from the work of your hands? “想到那些你从来不认识、从来没见过的人被你的画笔打动,或者泛起种种遐思,或者感情激荡,难道你不感到欣慰吗?
Everyone likes power. I can't imagine a more wonderful exercise of it than to move the souls of men to pity or terror. 每个人都喜爱权力。如果你能打动人们的灵魂,或者叫他们凄怆哀悯,或者叫他们惊惧恐慌,这不也是一种奇妙的行使权力的方法吗?”
Why do you mind if you paint well or badly? “那么你为什么对于画得好或不好还是很介意呢?”
I don't. I only want to paint what I see. “我并不介意。我只不过想把我所见到的画下来。”
I wonder if I could write on a desert island, with the certainty that no eyes but mine would ever see what I had written. “如果我置身于一个荒岛上,确切地知道除了我自己的眼睛以外再没有别人能看到我写出来的东西,我很怀疑我还能不能写作下去。”
Strickland did not speak for a long time, but his eyes shone strangely, as though he saw something that
kindled3 his soul to
ecstasy4. 思特里克兰德很久很久没有作声。但是他的眼睛却闪着一种奇异的光辉,仿佛看到了某种点燃起他的灵魂、使他心醉神驰的东西。
Sometimes I've thought of an island lost in a
boundless5 sea, where I could live in some hidden valley, among strange trees, in silence. “有些时候我就想到一个包围在无边无际的大海中的小岛,我可以住在岛上一个幽僻的山谷里,四周都是不知名的树木,我寂静安闲地生活在那里。
There I think I could find what I want. 我想在那样一个地方,我就能找到我需要的东西了。”
He did not express himself quite like this. He used gestures instead of adjectives, and he halted. I have put into my own words what I think he wanted to say. 这不是他的原话。他用的是手势而不是形容的词藻,而且结结巴巴没有一句话说得完整。我现在是用自己的话把我认为他想要表达的重新说出来。
Looking back on the last five years, do you think it was worth it? I asked. “回顾一下过去的五年,你认为你这样做值得吗?”我问他道。
He looked at me, and I saw that he did not know what I meant. I explained. 他看着我,我知道他没有明白我的意思,就解释说:
You gave up a comfortable home and a life as happy as the average. You were fairly prosperous. You seem to have had a rotten time in Paris. “你丢掉了舒适的家庭,放弃一般人过的那种幸福生活。你本来过得很不错。可是你现在在巴黎大概连饭都吃不饱。
If you had your time over again would you do what you did? 再叫你从头儿选择,你还愿意走这条路吗?”
Rather. “还是这样。”
Do you know that you haven't asked anything about your wife and children? Do you never think of them? “你知道,你根本没有打听过你的老婆和孩子。难道你从来没有想过他们吗?”
No. “没有。”