月亮和六便士 第二十五章(4)
时间:2018-07-03 01:37:23
My love, it's not you who would shirk a little trouble. “亲爱的,你不是那种怕麻烦不肯伸手帮忙的人。”
If he comes here, I shall go, said Mrs. Stroeve violently. “如果他到这里来,我就走,”施特略夫太太气冲冲地说。
I don't recognize you. You're so good and kind. “我简直认不出你来了。你不是一向心肠很软吗?”
Oh, for goodness sake, let me be. You drive me to
distraction1. “啊,看在老天爷面上,别逼我了。你快要把我逼疯了。”
Then at last the tears came. 最后,她终于落下眼泪来。
She sank into a chair, and buried her face in her hands. Her shoulders shook convulsively. 她瘫在一把椅子上,两手捂着脸,肩膀抽搐着。
In a moment Dirk was on his knees beside her, 戴尔克一下子跪在她身边,
with his arms round her, kissing her, calling her all sorts of pet names, and the facile tears ran down his own cheeks. 搂着她,又是亲吻,又是呼叫她各式各样亲昵的名字,廉价的泪水也从他的面颊上淌下来。
Presently she released herself and dried her eyes. 没有过一会,她就从他的怀抱里挣脱出来,揩干了眼泪。
Leave me alone, she said, not unkindly; and then to me, trying to smile: "What must you think of me?" “让我好好地待一会吧,”她说,语气平顺多了。接着,她强笑着对我说:“我刚才那样,真不知道你会把我当成怎样个人了。”
Stroeve, looking at her with perplexity, hesitated. 施特略夫困惑地望着她,不知怎样才好。
His forehead was all
puckered2, and his red mouth set in a
pout3. 他紧皱着眉头,撅着通红的嘴巴。
He reminded me oddly of an
agitated4 guinea-pig. 他那副怪样子使我联想到一只慌乱的豚鼠。
Then it's No, darling? he said at last. “那么你不答应吗,亲爱的?”最后他说。
She gave a gesture of lassitude. She was
exhausted5. 她有气无力地挥了一下手。她已经精疲力尽了。
The studio is yours. Everything belongs to you. If you want to bring him here, how can I prevent you? “画室是你的。这个家都是你的。如果你要让他搬到这里来,我怎么拦得住呢?”
A sudden smile flashed across his round face. 施特略夫的一张胖脸马上绽露出笑容。
Then you consent? I knew you would. Oh, my precious. “这么一说你同意了?我知道你不会不答应的。噢,我的亲爱的。”
Suddenly she pulled herself together. 但是她立刻又克制住自己。
She looked at him with haggard eyes. 她用一对暗淡无神的眼睛望着他,
She clasped her hands over her heart as though its beating were intolerable. 十指交叠着按在胸口,仿佛心跳得叫她受不了似的。