月亮和六便士 第二十八章(6)
时间:2018-07-03 01:59:20
If I've done anything to offend you I beg you to forgive me. Give me another chance. I'll try harder still to make you happy. 如果我做了什么事惹恼了你,我求你原谅我。再给我一次机会吧。我会更努力地使你幸福的。”
Get up, Dirk. You're making yourself a perfect fool. “站起来,戴尔克。你简直丢尽丑了。”
He staggered to his feet, but still he would not let her go. 他摇摇晃晃地站了起来,但是仍然不放她走。
Where are you going? he said hastily. "You don't know what Strickland's place is like. “你到哪儿去啊?”他急急忙忙地问,“你不知道思特里克兰德住在怎样一个地方。
You can't live there. It would be awful." 你在那地方是过活不了的。太可怕了。”
If I don't care, I don't see why you should. “如果我自己都不在乎,与你又有什么相干呢?”
Stay a minute longer. I must speak. “你再待一会,容我把话说完。
After all, you can't
grudge1 me that. What is the good? I've made up my mind. Nothing that you can say will make me alter it. 不管怎么样,这一点你还可以让我做到吧。”“那又有什么好处?我已经下了决心了。不管你说什么都改变不了我的主意。”
gulped2, and put his hand to his heart to ease its painful beating. 他抽了一口气,把一只手按在胸脯上,因为心脏跳动得简直让他忍受不了了。
I'm not going to ask you to change your mind, but I want you to listen to me for a minute. “我不是要你改变主意,我只是求你再听我说几句话。
It's the last thing I shall ever ask you. Don't refuse me that. 这是我要求你的最后一件事了。不要拒绝我吧。”
She paused, looking at him with those reflective eyes of hers, which now were so different to him. 她站住了,用她那沉思的眼睛打量了他一会儿,她的目光现在变得那么冷漠无情了。
She came back into the studio and leaned against the table. Well? 她走回到画室里,往桌子上一靠。“说吧!”
Stroeve made a great effort to collect himself. 施特略夫费了好大劲才使自己平静了一点。
You must be a little reasonable. You can't live on air, you know. Strickland hasn't got a penny. I know. “你一定要冷静一些。你不能靠空气过日子啊。你知道,思特里克兰德手里一个钱也没有。”“我知道。”
You'll suffer the most awful privations. “你吃不够吃,喝不够喝,会吃尽苦头的。
You know why he took so long to get well. He was half starved. 你知道他为什么这么久身体才恢复过来?他一直过着半饥不饱的生活啊!”
I can earn money for him. How? “我可以挣钱养活他。”“怎么挣钱?”
I don't know. I shall find a way. “我不知道。我会找到个办法的。”
A horrible thought passed through the Dutchman's mind, and he
shuddered3. 一个极其恐怖的想法掠过这个荷兰画师的心头,他打了个哆嗦。
I think you must be mad. I don't know what has come over you. “我想你一定是发疯了。我不知道你被什么迷住了。”