月亮和六便士 第三十四章(2)
时间:2018-07-03 02:30:00
He made despairing gestures with his hands, but still no words came from his mouth. 他的两只手做了几个绝望的姿势,仍然说不出一句整话来。
He might have been struck dumb. 他好象突然受到巨大的惊吓,变成哑巴了。
I do not know what came over me; I took him by the shoulders and shook him. 我不知道自己为什么火冒三丈,我抓着他的肩膀拼命地摇撼。
Looking back, I am
vexed1 that I made such a fool of myself; I suppose the last restless nights had shaken my nerves more than I knew. 我猜想前几夜我一直休息不好,叫我的神经也崩溃了。
Let me sit down, he
gasped2 at length. “让我坐一会儿,”最后他上气不接下气地说。
I filled a glass with St. Galmier, and gave it to him to drink. 我给他倒了一杯圣加米叶酒。
I held it to his mouth as though he were a child. 我把杯子端到他的嘴边好象在喂一个孩子。
gulped3 down a mouthful, and some of it was spilt on his shirt-front. 他咕咚一声喝了一口,有好些洒在衬衫前襟上。
Who's killed herself? “谁死了?”
I do not know why I asked, for I knew whom he meant. 我不懂为什么我还要问这句话,因为我完全知道他说的是谁。
He made an effort to collect himself. 他挣扎着想使自己平静下来。
They had a row last night. He went away. “昨天夜里他们吵嘴了。他离开家了。”
Is she dead? “她已经死了吗?”
No; they've taken her to the hospital. “没有,他们把她送到医院去了。”
Then what are you talking about? I cried impatiently. "Why did you say she'd killed herself?" Don't be cross with me. “那么你说的是什么?”我不耐烦地喊起来。“为什么你说她死了?”“别生我的气。
I can't tell you anything if you talk to me like that. 你要是这样同我讲话,我就什么也告诉不了你了。”
clenched4 my hands, seeking to control my
irritation5. I attempted a smile. I'm sorry. 我握紧了拳头,想把心里的怒气压下去。我努力摆出一副笑脸来。“对不起。
Take your time. Don't hurry, there's a good fellow. 你慢慢说吧,不用着急。我不怪罪你。”
His round blue eyes behind the spectacles were ghastly with terror. 他的近视镜片后面的一对又圆又蓝的眼睛因为恐惧叫人看着非常可怕。
The magnifying-glasses he wore distorted them. 他戴的放大镜片使这双眼睛变形了。
When the
concierge6 went up this morning to take a letter she could get no answer to her ring. “今天早晨看门人上楼去给他们送信,按了半天门铃也没有人回答。
The door wasn't locked, and she went in. 门没有上闩,她就走进去了。
Blanche was lying on the bed. She'd been frightfully sick. 勃朗什在床上躺着,情况非常危险。
There was a bottle of oxalic acid on the table. 桌子上摆着一瓶草酸。”