月亮和六便士 第三十四章(3)
时间:2018-07-03 02:30:41
Stroeve hid his face in his hands and swayed backwards1 and forwards, groaning3. Was she conscious? 施特略夫用手捂着脸,一边前后摇晃着身体,一边呻吟。“她那时候还有知觉吗?”
Yes. Oh, if you knew how she's suffering! I can't bear it. I can't bear it. His voice rose to a
shriek4. “有。啊,如果你知道她多么痛苦就好了。我真受不了。我真受不了。”他的声音越来越高,成了一种尖叫。
Damn it all, you haven't got to bear it, I cried impatiently. "She's got to bear it." “他妈的,你有什么受不了的,”我失去耐心地喊起来,“她这是自作自受。”
How can you be so cruel? “你怎么能这么残忍呢?”
What have you done? “你后来做什么了?”
They sent for a doctor and for me, and they told the police. “他们叫了医生,也把我找去,还报告了警察。
I'd given the
concierge5 twenty francs, and told her to send for me if anything happened. 我以前给过看门人二十法郎,告诉她如果发生了什么事就通知我。”
He paused a minute, and I saw that what he had to tell me was very hard to say. 他沉吟了一会儿,我看出来他下面要告诉我的一番话是很难启齿的。
When I went she wouldn't speak to me. “我去了以后她不同我讲话。
She told them to send me away. 她告诉他们叫我走开。
I swore that I forgave her everything, but she wouldn't listen. She tried to beat her head against the wall. 我向她发誓,不管她做过什么事我都原谅她,但是她根本不听我讲话。她把头往墙上撞。
The doctor told me that I mustn't remain with her. She kept on saying, 'Send him away!' 医生叫我不要待在她身边。她不住口地叫喊:‘叫他走开!’
I went, and waited in the studio. 我只好离开她身边,在画室里等着。
And when the ambulance came and they put her on a stretcher, they made me go in the kitchen so that she shouldn't know I was there. 等救护车来了,他们把她抬上担架的时候,他们叫我躲进厨房去,让她以为我已经离开那里了。”
While I dressed—for Stroeve wished me to go at once with him to the hospital, 在我穿衣服的当儿——因为施特略夫要我立刻同他一起到医院去,
he told me that he had arranged for his wife to have a private room, so that she might at least be spared the
sordid6 promiscuity7 of a
ward2. 他告诉我他已经在医院为他的妻子安排了一个单间病室,免得她住在人群混杂、空气污浊的大病房。
On our way he explained to me why he desired my presence; if she still refused to see him, perhaps she would see me. 走在路上的时候他又向我解释,为什么他要我陪他去——如果她仍然拒绝同他见面,也许她愿意见我。
He begged me to repeat to her that he loved her still; he would reproach her for nothing, but desired only to help her; 他求我转告她,他仍然爱她,他丝毫也不责怪她,只希望能帮她一点儿忙。
he made no claim on her, and on her recovery would not seek to induce her to return to him; she would be
perfectly8 free. 他对她没有任何要求,在她病好以后决不劝说她回到自己身边,她是绝对自由的。