
月亮和六便士 第三十九章(6)

时间:2018-07-03 02:52:27



 "What did you say to Strickland when you saw him?" “你见到思特里克兰德的时候,对他说什么了?”

"I asked him to come with me to Holland." “我邀他同我一起到荷兰去。”
I was dumbfounded. I could only look at Stroeve in stupid amazement1. 我愣在那里,一句话也说不出来,目瞪口呆地直勾勾地望着他。
"We both loved Blanche. There would have been room for him in my mother's house. “我们两人都爱勃朗什。在我的老家也有地方给他住。
I think the company of poor, simple people would have done his soul a great good. 我想叫他同贫寒、淳朴的人们在一起,对他的灵魂是有好处的。
I think he might have learnt from them something that would be very useful to him." 我想他也许能从这些人身上学到一些对他有用的东西。”
"What did he say?" “他说什么?”
"He smiled a little. I suppose he thought me very silly. He said he had other fish to fry." “他笑了笑。我猜想他一定觉得我这个人非常蠢。他说他没有那么多闲工夫。”
I could have wished that Strickland had used some other phrase to indicate his refusal2. 我真希望思特里克兰德用另一种措词拒绝施特略夫的邀请。
"He gave me the picture of Blanche." “他把勃朗什的这幅画送给我了。”
I wondered why Strickland had done that. But I made no remark, and for some time we kept silence. 我很想知道思特里克兰德为什么要这样做,但是我什么也没有说。好大一会儿,我们两人都没有说话。
"What have you done with all your things?" I said at last. “你那些东西怎么处置了?”最后我问道。
"I got a Jew in, and he gave me a round sum for the lot. I'm taking my pictures home with me. “我找了一个收旧货的犹太人,他把全部东西都买了去,给了我一笔整钱。我的那些画我准备带回家去。
Beside them I own nothing in the world now but a box of clothes and a few books." 除了画以外,我还有一箱子衣服,几本书,此外,在这个世界上我什么财产也没有了。”
"I'm glad you're going home," I said. “我很高兴你回老家去。”我说。
I felt that his chance was to put all the past behind him. 我觉得他还是有希望让过去的事成为过去的。
I hoped that the grief3 which now seemed intolerable would be softened4 by the lapse5 of time, and a merciful forgetfulness would help him to take up once more the burden of life. 我希望随着时间的流逝,现在他觉得无法忍受的悲痛会逐渐减轻,记忆会逐渐淡薄;老天是以慈悲为怀的!他终究会再度挑起生活的担子来的。
He was young still, and in a few years he would look back on all his misery6 with a sadness in which there would be something not unpleasurable. 他年纪还很轻,几年以后再回顾这一段惨痛遭遇,在悲痛中或许不无某种愉悦的感觉。
Sooner or later he would marry some honest soul in Holland, and I felt sure he would be happy. 或迟或早,他会同一个朴实的荷兰女人结婚,我相信他会生活得很幸福的。
I smiled at the thought of the vast number of bad pictures he would paint before he died. 想到他这一辈子还会画出多少幅蹩脚的图画来,我的脸上禁不住浮现出笑容。
Next day I saw him off for Amsterdam. 第二天我就送他启程回阿姆斯特丹去了。



1 amazement 7zlzBK     
  • All those around him looked at him with amazement.周围的人都对他投射出惊异的眼光。
  • He looked at me in blank amazement.他带着迷茫惊诧的神情望着我。
2 refusal SUWxR     
  • He persisted in his refusal to pay the money.他坚持拒绝付钱。
  • Our offer was met with a firm refusal.我们的报价被坚决拒绝。
3 grief DfHxP     
  • Don't allow yourself to sink into grief,it can do no good.不要使自己陷入悲哀之中,这样一点好处也没有。
  • After her mother died,she abandoned herself to grief.母亲死后,她沉浸于悲痛之中。
4 softened 19151c4e3297eb1618bed6a05d92b4fe     
(使)变软( soften的过去式和过去分词 ); 缓解打击; 缓和; 安慰
  • His smile softened slightly. 他的微笑稍柔和了些。
  • The ice cream softened and began to melt. 冰淇淋开始变软并开始融化。
5 lapse t2lxL     
  • The incident was being seen as a serious security lapse.这一事故被看作是一次严重的安全疏忽。
  • I had a lapse of memory.我记错了。
6 misery G10yi     
  • Business depression usually causes misery among the working class.商业不景气常使工薪阶层受苦。
  • He has rescued me from the mire of misery.他把我从苦海里救了出来。

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