月亮和六便士 第四十五章(2)
时间:2018-07-03 06:09:52
I did not altogether believe my eyes. 我不太敢相信自己的眼睛。
The days that had passed since I left Wellington seemed extraordinary and unusual. 自从离开威灵顿以后,日子似乎过得非常奇特。
Wellington is trim and neat and English; it reminds you of a
seaport1 town on the South Coast. 威灵顿整齐有序,富于英国风味,使人想到英国南岸的一座滨海城市。
And for three days afterwards the sea was stormy. Gray clouds chased one another across the sky. 这以后我在海上航行了三天,波浪滔天,乌云在空中互相追逐。
Then the wind dropped, and the sea was calm and blue. 三天以后风停了,大海变得非常寂静,一片碧蓝。
The Pacific is more
desolate2 than other seas; its spaces seem more vast, and the most ordinary journey upon it has somehow the feeling of an adventure. 太平洋看来比别的海洋更加荒凉,烟波浩渺,即使在这个水域上作一次最普通的旅行也带有冒险意味。
The air you breathe is an
elixir3 which prepares you for the unexpected. 你吸到胸中的空气象是补身的甘香酒,叫你精神振奋,准备经历一些你从来未料到的事。
Nor is it
vouchsafed4 to man in the flesh to know aught that more nearly suggests the approach to the golden realms of fancy than the approach to Tahiti. 但是你除了知道已经驶进塔希提,朦胧中感到走近一块黄金的国土外,它绝不向你泄露别的秘密。
Murea, the sister
isle5, comes into view in rocky splendour, rising from the desert sea mysteriously, like the unsubstantial
fabric6 of a magic wand. 与塔希提构成姊妹岛的莫里阿岛进入你的视野,危崖高耸,绚烂壮丽,突然从茫茫的海水里神秘地一跃而出,象魔棍召唤出的一幅虚无飘渺的彩锦。
With its jagged outline it is like a Monseratt of the Pacific, 莫里阿巉岩嶙峋,有如蒙特塞拉特岛(蒙特塞拉特岛是英属西印度群岛中的一个岛屿)被移植到太平洋中。
and you may imagine that there Polynesian
knights7 guard with strange
rites8 mysteries unholy for men to know. 面对这幅景象,你会幻想波利尼西亚的武士正在那里进行奇特的宗教仪式,用以阻止世俗凡人了解某些秘密。
The beauty of the island is unveiled as diminishing distance shows you in distincter shape its lovely peaks, 当距离逐渐缩小,美丽的峰峦形状愈加真切时,莫里阿岛的美丽便完全呈现出来,
but it keeps its secret as you sail by, and, darkly inviolable, seems to fold itself together in a
inaccessible10 grimness. 但是在你的船只从它旁边驶过时,你会发现它仍然重门深锁,把自己闭合为一堆人们无法接近的阴森可怖的巨石,没有人能闯入它那幽森的奥秘中去。
It would not surprise you if, as you came near seeking for an opening in the reef, it vanished suddenly from your view, 谁也不会感到惊奇:只要船只驶到近处,想在珊瑚礁寻觅一个入口,它就会突然从人们的视线里消失,
and nothing met your gaze but the blue loneliness of the Pacific. 映入你眼帘的仍是太平洋一片茫茫碧波。
Tahiti is a lofty green island, with deep folds of a darker green, in which you divine silent valleys; 塔希提却是另外一番景象,它是一个高耸海面的绿葱葱的岛屿,暗绿色的深褶使你猜到那是一条条寂静的峡谷。
there is mystery in their sombre depths, down which
murmur11 and plash cool streams, 这些幽深的沟壑有一种神秘气氛,凄冷的溪流在它深处琤琤鸣溅,
and you feel that in those
umbrageous12 places life from immemorial times has been led according to immemorial ways. 你会感到,在这些浓荫郁郁的地方,远自太古以来生活就一直按照古老的习俗绵绵不息地延续到现在。
Even here is something sad and terrible. 塔希提也存在着某些凄凉、可怖的东西。
But the impression is
fleeting13, and serves only to give a greater acuteness to the
enjoyment14 of the moment. 但这种印象并没有长久留在你的脑中,这只能使你更加敏锐地感到当前生活的欢乐。
It is like the sadness which you may see in the jester's eyes when a merry company is laughing at his sallies; 这就象一群兴高采烈的人在听一个小丑打浑,正在捧腹大笑时,会在小丑的眼睛里看到凄凉的眼神一样;
his lips smile and his jokes are gayer because in the communion of laughter he finds himself more intolerably alone. 小丑的嘴唇在微笑,他的笑话越来越滑稽,因为在他逗人发笑的时候他更加感到自己无法忍受的孤独。
For Tahiti is smiling and friendly; it is like a lovely woman graciously
prodigal15 of her charm and beauty; 因为塔希提正在微笑,它一边微笑一边对你表现出无限的情谊,它象一个美丽的妇人,既娴雅又浪漫地向你展示她的全部美貌和魅力,
and nothing can be more conciliatory than the entrance into the harbour at Papeete. 特别是在船只刚刚进入帕皮提港口的时候,你简直感到心醉神驰。
and the flamboyants,
scarlet20 against the blue sky,
flaunt21 their colour like a cry of passion. 而法国火焰式建筑物在蔚蓝的天空下却红得刺目,象激情的呼喊一般,极力炫示自己鲜艳的色彩。
They are sensual with an unashamed violence that leaves you breathless. 它们是肉感的,简直大胆到不顾廉耻的地步,叫你看了目瞪口呆。
And the crowd that
throngs22 the
wharf23 as the steamer draws alongside is gay and
debonair24; it is a noisy, cheerful, gesticulating crowd. It is a sea of brown faces. 当轮船靠近码头时,蜂拥到岸边的人群兴高彩烈而又彬彬有礼。他们一片笑语喧哗,人人挥舞着手臂。从轮船上望去,这是一个棕色面孔的海洋。
You have an impression of coloured movement against the flaming blue of the sky. 你会感到炎炎碧空下,色彩在炫目地旋转移动。
Everything is done with a great deal of
bustle25, the unloading of the baggage, the examination of the customs; and everyone seems to smile at you. 不论从船上往下卸行李也好,海关检查也好,做任何事都伴随着大声喧闹,而每个人都象在向你微笑。
It is very hot. The colour dazzles you. 天气非常热。绚烂的颜色耀得你睁不开眼睛。