月亮和六便士 第四十八章(2)
时间:2018-07-04 01:25:26
Those that I have now are fragmentary. 我掌握的事实只是一些断简残篇。
I am in the position of a biologist who from a single bone must reconstruct not only the appearance of an extinct animal, but its habits. 我的处境很象一个生物学家,根据一根骨骼不仅要重新塑造出一个早已灭绝的生物的外貌,还要推测出它的生活习惯。
Strickland made no particular impression on the people who came in contact with him in Tahiti. 思特里克兰德没有给那些在塔希提同他有接触的人留下什么特别的印象。
To them he was no more than a beach-comber in constant need of money,
remarkable1 only for the
peculiarity2 that he painted pictures which seemed to them absurd; 在这些人眼睛里,他只不过是一个永远缺钱花的流浪汉,唯一与众不同的地方是他爱画一些他们认为是莫名其妙的画。
and it was not till he had been dead for some years and agents came from the
dealers3 in Paris and Berlin to look for any pictures which might still remain on the island, 直到他死了多年以后,巴黎和柏林的画商陆续派来几个代理人搜寻思特里克兰德可能散失在岛上的遗作时,
that they had any idea that among them had dwelt a man of consequence. 这些人才多少认识到在他们当中一度生活过一位了不起的人物。
They remembered then that they could have bought for a song canvases which now were worth large sums, 他们这时想起来,当时只要花一点点钱就能买到今天已经价值连城的名画,
and they could not forgive themselves for the opportunity which had escaped them. 他们白白让机会从眼皮底下溜掉,真是追悔莫及。
There was a Jewish trader called Cohen, who had come by one of Strickland's pictures in a singular way. 塔希提有一位姓寇汉的犹太商人,手里存着思特里克兰德的一幅画;他得到这幅画的情况有一点不寻常。
He was a little old Frenchman, with soft kind eyes and a pleasant smile, 寇汉是个法国小老头,生着一对温柔、善良的眼睛,脸上总是堆着笑容;
half trader and half
seaman4, who owned a cutter in which he wandered boldly among the Paumotus and the Marquesas, 他一半是商人,一半是水手,自己有一只快艇,常常勇敢地往来于包莫图斯群岛、马克萨斯和塔希提群岛之间,
taking out trade goods and bringing back copra, shell, and pearls. 运去当地需要的商品,载回来椰子干、蚌壳和珍珠。
I went to see him because I was told he had a large black pearl which he was willing to sell cheaply, 我去看他是因为有人告诉我他有一颗大黑珍珠要廉价出售。
and when I discovered that it was beyond my means I began to talk to him about Strickland. 后来我发现他的要价超过我的支付能力,我便同他谈起思特里克兰德来。
He had known him well. 他同思特里克兰德很熟。