
月亮和六便士 第四十八章(4)

时间:2018-07-04 01:32:47



 "What was it like?" I asked. “他画得怎么样?”我问。

"Do not ask me. I could not make head or tail of it. I never saw such a thing in my life. 'What shall we do with it?' I said to my wife. “别问我这个,我一点也看不懂。我活了一辈子也没见过这种画。‘这幅画咱们怎么办?’我问我的妻子说。
'We can never hang it up,' she said. 'People would laugh at us.' ‘什么时候也挂不出去,’她说,‘人家会笑掉大牙的,’
So she took it into an attic1 and put it away with all sorts of rubbish, for my wife can never throw anything away. It is her mania2. 就这样她把它拿到阁楼上,同各式各样的废物堆在一起。我的妻子什么东西也舍不得扔掉,这是她的习性。
Then, imagine to yourself, just before the war my brother wrote to me from Paris, and said: 'Do you know anything about an English painter who lived in Tahiti? 几年以后,你自己可以想象一下,正当大战爆发之前,我哥哥从巴黎给我写来一封信说:‘你是否听说过一个在塔希提住过的英国人?
It appears that he was a genius, and his pictures fetch large prices. 看来这人是个天才,他的画现在能卖大钱。
See if you can lay your hands on anything and send it to me. There's money to be made.' 看看你有没有办法弄到他画的任何东西,给我寄来。这件事很能赚钱。’
So I said to my wife. 'What about that picture that Strickland gave me?' Is it possible that it is still in the attic?' 于是我对我的妻子说:‘思特里克兰德给我的那张画还有没有?会不会仍然在阁楼上放着呢?’
'Without doubt,' she answered, 'for you know that I never throw anything away. It is my mania.' ‘没错儿,’她回答说,‘你也知道,我什么东西都不扔。这是我的毛病。’
We went up to the attic, and there, among I know not what rubbish that had been gathered during the thirty years we have inhabited3 that house, was the picture. 我们两人走到阁楼上,这里堆着自从我们住到这所房子的第一天起积攒了三十年的各式各样的破烂货。那幅画就在这些我也弄不清楚到底都是些什么的废物堆里面。
I looked at it again, and I said: 'Who would have thought that the overseer of my plantation4 on the peninsula5, to whom I lent two hundred francs, had genius? 我又仔细看了看。我说:‘谁想得到,我的半岛上的种植园里的一个监工,一个向我借过两百法郎的人,居然是个伟大天才。
Do you see anything in the picture?' 你看得出这幅画哪点画得好吗?’
'No,' she said, ‘看不出来,’她说,
'it does not resemble the plantation and I have never seen cocoa-nuts with blue leaves; ‘一点也不象咱们的种植园,再说我也从来没有见过椰子树长着蓝叶子。
but they are mad in Paris, and it may be that your brother will be able to sell it for the two hundred francs you lent Strickland.' 他们巴黎人简直发疯了,也说不定你哥哥能把那幅画卖两百法郎,正好能抵思特里克兰德欠我们的那笔债。’
Well, we packed it up and we sent it to my brother. 不管怎么说。我们还是把画包装好,给我哥哥寄去了。
And at last I received a letter from him. 最后我收到了他的回信。
What do you think he said? 你猜他信里面怎么说?
'I received your picture,' he said, ‘画已收到,’他说,
'and I confess6 I thought it was a joke that you had played on me. ‘我必须承认,开始我还认为你在同我开玩笑。
I would not have given the cost of postage7 for the picture. 我真不应该出这笔寄费。
I was half afraid to show it to the gentleman who had spoken to me about it. 我几乎没有胆量把它拿给同我谈过这件事的那位先生看。
Imagine my surprise when he said it was a masterpiece, and offered me thirty thousand francs. 当他告诉我这是一件杰作,并出价三万法郎要购买它的时候,你可以想象到我是多么吃惊。
I dare say he would have paid more, but frankly8 I was so taken aback that I lost my head; I accepted the offer before I was able to collect myself.'" 我猜想他还肯出更多的钱。但是说老实话,这件事当时太出乎我的意料,弄得我简直晕头转向了。没等我脑子清醒过来以前,这笔生意已经拍板成交了。’”
Then Monsieur Cohen said an admirable thing. 接着,寇汉先生又说出几句着实令人起敬的话。
"I wish that poor Strickland had been still alive. “我希望可怜的思特里克兰德还活着,
I wonder what he would have said when I gave him twenty-nine thousand eight hundred francs for his picture." 我真想知道,在我把两万九千八百法郎卖画的钱交到他手里的时候,他会说什么。”



1 attic Hv4zZ     
  • Leakiness in the roof caused a damp attic.屋漏使顶楼潮湿。
  • What's to be done with all this stuff in the attic?顶楼上的材料怎么处理?
2 mania 9BWxu     
  • Football mania is sweeping the country.足球热正风靡全国。
  • Collecting small items can easily become a mania.收藏零星物品往往容易变成一种癖好。
3 inhabited 409b53f09b88cbde4f3d486337bf347e     
adj. 有人居住的 动词inhabit的过去式和过去分词
  • The island is no longer inhabited. 这个岛已经没有人居住了。
  • Nomads have inhabited this region for thousands of years. 游牧民族在这地区居住已有数千年了。
4 plantation oOWxz     
  • His father-in-law is a plantation manager.他岳父是个种植园经营者。
  • The plantation owner has possessed himself of a vast piece of land.这个种植园主把大片土地占为己有。
5 peninsula Lueyv     
  • Dalian is in the south of the Liaodong Peninsula.大连位于辽东半岛南部。
  • Korean peninsula lies to the west of Japan.朝鲜半岛在日本以西。
6 confess YY2yf     
  • Many Christians regularly confess their guilty actions and thoughts to a priest.很多基督徒都定期向牧师忏悔他们的罪行和恶念。
  • I confess to some suspicion of your honesty.我承认对你的诚实有所怀疑。
7 postage pPtxt     
  • This dictionary is 100 yuan,postage included.这本词典连邮费共100元。
  • All letters must be stamped with the correct postage.任何信件都应该按所需邮资贴邮票。
8 frankly fsXzcf     
  • To speak frankly, I don't like the idea at all.老实说,我一点也不赞成这个主意。
  • Frankly speaking, I'm not opposed to reform.坦率地说,我不反对改革。

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