月亮和六便士 第五十章(4)
时间:2018-07-04 01:37:34
"The Captain must have thought you as mad as a hatter," I smiled. “船长一定会觉得你发疯了。”我笑着说。
"I didn't care what anybody thought. “别人爱怎么想就怎么想,我才不在乎呢。
It wasn't I that acted, but something stronger within me. 做出这件事来的不是我,是我身体里一种远比我自己的意志更强大的力量。
I thought I would go to a little Greek hotel, while I looked about, and I felt I knew where to find one. 上岸以后,我四处看了看,想着我要到一家希腊人开的小旅馆去;我觉得我知道在哪里能找到这家旅馆。
And do you know, I walked straight there, and when I saw it, I recognised it at once." 你猜怎么着?我一点儿也没有费劲儿就走到这家旅馆前边,我一看见这地方马上就认出来了。”
"Had you been to Alexandria before?" “你过去到过亚历山大港吗?”
"No; I'd never been out of England in my life." “没有。在这次出国前我从来没有离开过英国。”
Presently1 he entered the Government service, and there he had been ever since. 不久以后,他就在公立医院找到个工作,从此一直待在那里。
"Have you never regretted it?" “你从来没有后悔过吗?”
"Never, not for a minute. “从来没有。一分钟也没有后悔过。
I earn just enough to live upon, and I'm satisfied. 我挣的钱刚够维持生活,但是我感到心满意足。
I ask nothing more than to remain as I am till I die. 我什么要求也没有,只希望这样活下去,直到我死。
I've had a wonderful life." 我生活得非常好。”
I left Alexandria next day, and I forgot about Abraham till a little while ago, 第二天我就离开了亚历山大港,直到不久以前我才又想起阿伯拉罕的事。
when I was dining with another old friend in the profession, Alec Carmichael, who was in England on short leave. 那是我同另外一个行医的老朋友,阿莱克·卡尔米凯尔一同吃饭的时候。
I ran across him in the street and congratulated him on the knighthood with which his
eminent2 services during the war had been rewarded. 卡尔米凯尔回英国来短期度假,我偶然在街头上遇见了他。他在大战中工作得非常出色,荣获了爵士封号。我向他表示了祝贺。
We arranged to spend an evening together for old time's
sake3, 我们约好一同消磨一个晚上,一起叙叙旧。
and when I agreed to
dine4 with him, he
proposed5 that he should ask nobody else, so that we could chat without
interruption6. 我答应同他一起吃晚饭,他建议不再约请别人,这样我俩就可以不受干扰地畅谈一下了。
He had a beautiful old house in Queen Anne Street, and being a man of taste he had furnished it admirably. 他在安皇后街有一所老宅子,布置很优雅,因为他是一个很富于艺术鉴赏力的人。
On the walls of the dining-room I saw a
charming7 Bellotto, and there was a pair of Zoffanys that I envied. 我在餐厅的墙上看到一幅贝洛托(贝尔纳多·贝洛托(1720—1780),意大利威尼斯派画家)的画,还有两幅我很羡慕的佐范尼(约翰·佐范尼(1733—1810),出生于德国的英国画家)的作品。
When his wife, a tall, lovely creature in cloth of gold, had left us, 当他的妻子,一个穿着金色衣服、高身量、样子讨人喜欢的妇女离开我们以后,
I remarked laughingly on the change in his present circumstances from those when we had both been medical students. 我笑着对他说,他今天的生活同我们在医学院做学生的时代相比,变化真是太大了。
We had looked upon it then as an extravagance to dine in a shabby Italian restaurant in the Westminster Bridge Road. 那时,我们在威斯敏斯特桥大街一家寒酸的意大利餐馆吃一顿饭都认为是非常奢侈的事。
Now Alec Carmichael was on the staff of half a dozen hospitals. 现在阿莱克·卡尔米凯尔在六七家大医院都兼任要职,
I should think he earned ten thousand a year, 据我估计,一年可以有一万镑的收入。
and his knighthood was but the first of the honours which must
inevitably8 fall to his lot. 这次受封为爵士,只不过是他迟早要享受到的第一个荣誉而已。