月亮和六便士 第五十三章(5)
时间:2018-07-04 02:01:46
We were all silent for a while, and Tiare fished out of her capacious pocket a handful of cigarettes. 半天我们都没有说话。蒂阿瑞从她的大口袋里拿出一把香烟来,递给我们每人一支。
She handed one to each of us, and we all three smoked. 我们三个人都抽起烟来。
At last she said: "Since ce monsieur is interested in Strickland, why do you not take him to see Dr. Coutras? 最后她开口说:“既然这位先生对思特里克兰德有兴趣,你为什么不带他去见一见库特拉斯医生啊?
He can tell him something about his illness and death." 他可以告诉他一些事,思特里克兰德怎样生病,怎样死的,等等。”
"Volontiers," said the Captain, looking at me. “我很愿意。”船长看着我说。
I thanked him, and he looked at his watch. 我谢了谢他。他看了看手表。
"It is past six o'clock. We should find him at home if you care to come now." “现在已经六点多钟了。如果你肯同我走一趟,我想这时候他是在家的。”
I got up without further ado, and we walked along the road that led to the doctor's house. 我二话没说,马上站了起来;我俩立刻向医生家里走去。
He lived out of the town, but the Hotel de la Fleur was on the edge of it, and we were quickly in the country. 库特拉斯住在城外,而鲜花旅馆是在城市边缘上,所以没有几步路,我们就已经走到郊野上了。
The broad road was shaded by pepper-trees, and on each side were the
plantations1, cocoa-nut and
vanilla2. 路很宽,一路上遮覆着胡椒树的浓荫。路两旁都是椰子和香子兰种植园。
The pirate birds were
screeching3 among the leaves of the palms. 一种当地人叫海盗鸟的小鸟在棕榈树的叶子里吱吱喳喳地叫着。
We came to a stone bridge over a shallow river, and we stopped for a few minutes to see the native boys bathing. 我们在路上经过一条浅溪,上面有一座石桥;我们在桥上站了一会儿,看着本地人的孩子在水里嬉戏。
They chased one another with
shrill4 cries and laughter, and their bodies, brown and wet, gleamed in the sunlight. 他们笑着、喊着,在水里互相追逐,棕色的小身体滴着水珠,在阳光下闪闪发光。