
美联社新闻一分钟 AP 夏威夷火山附近持续疏散

时间:2018-07-06 07:12:26




This is AP News Minute.

There is word of new diplomatic activity ahead of the possible summit between President Trump1 and Kim Jong Un. A top North Korean official was spotted2 in Beijing's airport. South Korean media reports he is heading to the US.

More evacuations were ordered for people near Hawaii's Kilauea volcano. Fast-moving lava3 has destroyed 82 structures, including 37 homes as of Friday.

Alberto was downgraded to a tropical depression after it made a landfall in the Florida panhandle. The storm is bringing heavy rain to some southern states.

And an American man and his wife are home in Utah after two years in jail in Venezuela. Josh Holt went to Venezuela to get married. He and his wife were locked up on weapons' charges that the US says were bogus.

Shirley Smith, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.



1 trump LU1zK     
  • He was never able to trump up the courage to have a showdown.他始终鼓不起勇气摊牌。
  • The coach saved his star player for a trump card.教练保留他的明星选手,作为他的王牌。
2 spotted 7FEyj     
  • The milkman selected the spotted cows,from among a herd of two hundred.牛奶商从一群200头牛中选出有斑点的牛。
  • Sam's shop stocks short spotted socks.山姆的商店屯积了有斑点的短袜。
3 lava v9Zz5     
  • The lava flowed down the sides of the volcano.熔岩沿火山坡面涌流而下。
  • His anger spilled out like lava.他的愤怒像火山爆发似的迸发出来。

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