时间:2018-09-05 08:10:40
In both cases, the stranded1 whales to which these two skeletons belonged, were originally claimed by their proprietors2 upon similar grounds. 这两只搁浅了的鲸骷髅,本来就是出自同一个理由而成它们的物主的所有物的。
King Tranquo seizing his because he wanted it; and Sir Clifford, because he was lord of the seignories of those parts. 托朗魁王是因为他要这东西才把它占为己有;而克利福德爵士则是因为他是当地的领主。
Sir Clifford's whale has been articulated throughout; 克利福德爵士那条鲸,它的关节完全可以由人们给接拢来;
so that, like a great chest of drawers, you can open and shut him—in all his bony cavities, 因此,活象一只大橱的抽屉,既可以关,又可以开——在它所有的骨洞里,
spread out his
ribs3 like a gigantic fan— and swing all day upon his lower
jaw4. 一天到晚都在下颚上面晃来晃去。
Locks are to be put upon some of his trap-doors and
shutters5; 有些活门和百叶窗还加上锁;
and a footman will show round future visitors with a bunch of keys at his side. 一个手里拿着一串钥匙的仆役,经常站在它身边,随时把它打开,让参观者看个周遍。
Sir Clifford thinks of charging twopence for a peep at the whispering gallery in the
spinal6 column; 克利福德爵士还想收取费用:在这个骨柱的低语高响廊里瞧一瞧的,收费两个便士;
threepence to hear the echo in the hollow of his cerebellum; and sixpence for the unrivalled view from his forehead. 听一听它那小脑洞里的回声的,收费三个便士;对它的额头作一次绝无仅有的观察的,收费六个便士。
The skeleton dimensions I shall now proceed to set down are copied verbatim from my right arm, where I had them
tattooed7; 且说我现在所要记下来的这个骷髅的大小,是从我的右臂上一笔一划地仔细抄下来的,我把所见的都文在这只右臂上;
as in my wild wanderings at that period, there was no other secure way of preserving such valuable statistics. 因为在我当时的浪荡日子里,实在没有更妥当的方法来保存这么贵重的统计材料。
But as I was crowded for space, and wished the other parts of my body to remain a blank page for a poem I was then composing, 而且,由于我身上的地位不多,同时还想留下一些空白地方,来写我当时所构思的一首诗,
at least, what untattooed parts might remain—I did not trouble myself with the odd inches; 至少还得留着一块未曾文身的地方——因此,我就不去计较那些零头的尺寸了;
nor, indeed, should inches at all enter into a congenial admeasurement of the whale. 而且,老实说,根本也用不着尺码分明地把它弄得象一般鲸的尺寸那样。