时间:2018-10-26 08:32:58
A sailor takes a fancy to wear shark-bone ear-rings: the carpenter drills his ears. 一个水手突发奇兴,想戴鲨鱼齿的耳环;这个木匠就给他钻耳朵。
Another has the toothache: the carpenter out pincers, and clapping one hand upon his bench bids him be seated there; 另一个水手闹牙痛了;这个木匠就拿出钳子,一只手啪嗒地拍一下他那只条凳,教他坐下去;
but the poor fellow unmanageably
winces1 under the unconcluded operation; 可是,手术还没有做,那个可怜的家伙就已不由自主地畏畏缩缩了;
whirling round the handle of his wooden
vice2, the carpenter signs him to clap his
jaw3 in that, if he would have him draw the tooth. 因为这个木匠甩着他手里那只木虎钳柄,示意他如果要木匠替他拔牙齿,就得把下巴夹在那只虎钳里。
Thus, this carpenter was prepared at all points, and alike indifferent and without respect in all. 于是,这个木匠就有对付任何事情的准备,而且对一切事情都同样显得毫无所谓,毫不在乎。
Teeth he accounted bits of ivory; heads he deemed but top-blocks; men themselves he lightly held for capstans. 他把牙齿看成是一小块牙骨;把脑袋只当成一块顶木;至于人呢,他淡然地把他看成一只绞盘。
But while now upon so wide a field thus variously
accomplished4 and with such liveliness of expertness in him, too; 不过,照他这样对各行各业都无所不通,而且又有如此熟练的功夫,
impersonal, I say; for it so shaded off into the surrounding infinite of things, that it seemed one with the general stolidity discernible in the whole visible world; 我说,不受个人感情影响;是因为他竟变得跟周围的一切事物混而为一,所以他好象是有目共睹的大傻子,
which while pauselessly active in uncounted modes, still eternally holds its peace, and ignores you, though you dig foundations for cathedrals. 随你怎样闹得天翻地覆,他仍然始终闷声不响,哪怕你在干下什么天大的事,他还是置若罔闻。