时间:2018-11-05 07:08:33
Chapter 108 Ahab and the Carpenter 第一百零八章亚哈和木匠
The Deck — First Night Watch 甲板上——初夜班
standing1 before his
vice2-bench, and by the light of two lanterns busily filing the ivory joist for the leg, which joist is firmly
fixed3 in the vice. (木匠站在他那虎钳条凳跟前,借着两支灯笼的亮光,正在忙着锉平那块做腿用的牙骨,这块骨头已给牢牢地嵌在虎钳里。
Slabs4 of ivory, leather
straps5, pads, screws, and various tools of all sorts lying about the bench. 条凳上摊着一片片的牙骨,皮带,衬料,螺丝和各式各样工具。
Forward, the red flame of the forge is seen, where the blacksmith is at work.) 前边,熔铁炉发出熊熊的火光,铁匠正在那里干活。)
Drat the file, and drat the bone! 可恶的锉子,可恶的骨头!
That is hard which should be soft, and that is soft which should be hard. 该软的时候偏偏硬,该硬的时候却偏偏软。
So we go, who file old
jaws6 and shin bones. 哼,算了吧,谁高兴锉挺硬的牙门骨和胫骨。
Let's try another. 另外找块来试试吧。
Aye, now, this works better (sneezes). 是呀,现在这块骨头做起来可麻利得多啦(打喷嚏)。
Halloa, this bone dust is (sneezes)—why it's (sneezes)—yes it's (sneezes)—bless my soul, it won't let me speak! 喂,啊呀!这块骨头锉出来的灰倒(打喷嚏)——哼,倒是(打喷嚏)——不错,真是(打喷嚏)——哎呀!它连话都不让我说!
This is what an old fellow gets now for working in dead
lumber7. 怪不得上了年纪的人都喜欢用滑溜溜的木头做活。
Saw a live tree, and you don't get this dust; amputate a live bone, and you don't get it (sneezes). 锯倒一株活树,就没有这种灰了;砍断一根生骨头,也不会有灰(打喷嚏)。
Come, come, you old Smut, there, bear a hand, and let's have that ferrule and buckle-screw; I'll be ready for them presently. 喂,喂,你老人家(指老铁匠。),帮一帮忙,我要小铁箍和旋钉了;我立刻就要用了。