时间:2018-11-05 07:09:02
Lucky now (sneezes) there's no knee-joint to make; that might puzzle a little; 这会儿,真运气,(打喷嚏)用不着做膝节骨;那才使人伤脑筋;
but a
mere1 shin-bone—why it's easy as making hop-poles; only I should like to put a good finish on. 只不过是做块胫骨——这就跟做根跳杆一样省事喽;但愿能把它顺顺当当的干完。
Time, time; if I but only had the time, I could turn him out as neat a leg now as ever (sneezes) scraped to a lady in a
parlor2. 时间呀,时间,我只要有时间就行啦,那我就可以给他做出一条挺齐整的腿,(打喷嚏)让他能够把右脚往后一退,向客厅里的太太好好地行个礼。
Those buckskin legs and
calves3 of legs I've seen in shop windows wouldn't compare at all. 我在店铺橱窗里看到的那种鹿皮腿和小牛腿,根本就甭跟这个比。
They soak water, they do; and of course get rheumatic, and have to be doctored (sneezes) with washes and
lotions4, just like live legs. 那些都是泡过水的,的确是泡过水的;自然就要闹风湿症喽,闹风湿症就得去看大夫,(打喷嚏)洗洗擦擦,象张罗活腿一样。
There; before I saw it off, now, I must call his old Mogulship, and see whether the length will be all right; too short, if anything, I guess. 唔,那么,在我把它锯开以前,我得去找那个老蒙兀儿,看看长短是不是正好;我猜想,要是有点不对头的话,准是太短了。
Ha! that's the heel; we are in luck; here he comes, or it's somebody else, that's certain. AHAB (advancing) 哈哈!后跟也做好了,我们真运气;啊他来了,要不是他,就一定是有什么人来了。亚哈(逐渐走过来)
(During the ensuing scene, the carpenter continues sneezing at times). (在下一场里,木匠仍不时地打喷嚏。)
Well, manmaker! 弄好啦,老师傅!
Just in time, sir. If the captain pleases, I will now mark the length. Let me measure, sir. 不迟不早,来得刚好,先生。如果船长答应的话,我现在就来做个长短的记号。让我量一量,先生。
Measured for a leg! good. Well, it's not the first time. About it! There; keep thy finger on it. 量一只腿!好极啦。唔,这倒不是头一遭。量吧!喂,把手指揿上去。
This is a
cogent5 vice6 thou hast here, carpenter; let me feel its grip once. So, so; it does pinch some. 噫,你这里倒有一把中用的虎钳,木匠;让我来试一试它的钳力。唔,唔;倒可以钳些什么。