时间:2018-12-14 06:14:19
But, mastering his emotion, he half calmly rose, and as he quitted the cabin, paused for an instant and said: 但是,他控制着自己的情绪,相当泰然地起身走了,不过,他离开船长室时,又停了一停,说道:
"Thou hast
outraged1, not insulted me, Sir; but for that I ask thee not to beware of Starbuck; "你刚才不光是侮辱我,而且是对我施暴行,先生,不过,我请你不必提防斯达巴克;
thou wouldst but laugh; but let Ahab beware of Ahab; beware of thyself, old man." 你只消一笑置之得啦;可是,请亚哈当心亚哈,当心你自己吧,老人室。"
He waxes brave, but nevertheless obeys; most careful bravery that! murmured Ahab, as Starbuck disappeared. 他变得勇敢起来了,不过,还算听命令;这才是有谋之勇!斯达巴克一走,亚哈喃喃道。
"What's that he said—Ahab beware of Ahab—there's something there!" "他刚才说些什么——亚哈当心亚哈——其中一定有文章!"
Then unconsciously using the
musket2 for a staff, with an iron brow he paced to and fro in the little cabin; 于是,他不知不觉地竟把那支滑膛枪当拐棍撑着,面色铁青,在那个小舱室里踱来踱去;
but presently the thick plaits of his forehead relaxed, and returning the gun to the rack, he went to the deck. 可是,他前额的密集的皱纹立刻又平服了,他把枪放回网架上,走上甲板。
Thou art but too good a fellow, Starbuck, he said lowly to the mate; then raising his voice to the crew: 你真是个太好的人,斯达巴克,他低声下气地对那个大副说后,就提高嗓门对水手们嚷道:
"Furl the t'gallant-sails, and close-reef the top-sails,
fore3 and aft; back the main-yard; up Burtons, and break out in the main-hold." "把上桅帆卷起来,把前前后后的中桅帆都收紧;装上大桅下桁,吊起复滑车,把主舱打开来。"
It were perhaps vain to
surmise4 exactly why it was, that as respecting Starbuck, Ahab thus acted. 亚哈究竟为什么要这般做法,斯达巴克也许是无从猜测的。