时间:2018-12-14 06:16:13
How he wasted and wasted away in those few long-lingering days, till there seemed but little left of him but his frame and tattooing1. 在这么缠绵拖延的几天里,竟把他消光耗尽得不成样子,只剩下个刺花的躯壳了。
But as all else in him thinned, and his cheek-bones grew sharper, his eyes, nevertheless, seemed growing fuller and fuller; 可是,尽管他全身其它部分都消瘦了,颧骨也尖耸起来,然而,他那双眼睛,却似乎越来越滚圆,越有神气;
they became of a strange softness of
lustre2; 那双眼睛竟显出一阵奇特而柔和的光彩来;
and mildly but deeply looked out at you there from his sickness, a
wondrous3 testimony4 to that
immortal5 health in him which could not die, or be weakened. 他病恹恹地躺在那里,柔和而深情地对你望着,神妙地证明出他身上有着死不了、垮不掉的不朽的健康状态。
And like circles on the water, which, as they grow fainter, expand; 那双眼睛好象水圈那样,等到水圈越来越淡,就扩散掉了;
so his eyes seemed rounding and rounding, like the rings of
Eternity6. 因此,他那双眼睛似乎圆而又圆,象只永恒的环。
awe7 that cannot be named would steal over you as you sat by the side of this
waning8 savage9, 你坐在这个逐渐衰弱的野人身边,就会不知不觉地产生一种说不出的畏惧,
and saw as strange things in his face, as any
beheld10 who were bystanders when Zoroaster died. 而看到他脸上那种奇象,就跟那些在琐罗亚斯德(古代波斯的国教祆教的始祖)临死时,伺候在他旁边的人所看到的那股神气一模一样。
For whatever is truly wondrous and fearful in man, never yet was put into words or books. 因为究竟是什么人才真正是人类的可惊与可怕的东西,迄今还是既无言传,又未载之典籍。
And the drawing near of Death, which alike levels all, 而且在接近死亡时分,究竟是象万念俱消,
alike impresses all with a last revelation, which only an author from the dead could adequately tell. 还是象全然具有一种最后启示的痕迹,那是只有死过了的作家才说得上来。
So that—let us say it again — no dying Chaldee or Greek had higher and holier thoughts than those, 所以——我们得再说一遍——这时,当可怜的魁魁格寂静地躺在他那晃来晃去的吊铺上,
whose mysterious shades you saw creeping over the face of poor Queequeg, as he quietly lay in his swaying hammock, 翻腾起伏的大海似乎在温柔地摇他到那最后的安息地,
and the rolling sea seemed gently rocking him to his final rest, 海洋上那眼不能见的涨潮正在越涨越高地把他升到那命定要去的天上去的时候,
and the ocean's invisible flood-tide lifted him higher and higher towards his
destined11 heaven. 你所看到的那种悄悄出现在他的脸上的神秘的色调,若论高超与神圣,却不是行将要死的迦勒底人或者希腊人的意念所能比拟的。