时间:2019-01-15 05:16:46
For the white fiend! But now for the barbs2; thou must make them thyself, man. 是拿去打白魔的!现在打标枪钩吧;你得你自己干喽,老朋友。
Here are my razors — the best of steel; here, and make the barbs sharp as the needle-sleet of the Icy Sea. 这是我的剃刀——最好的钢;喏;把钩子打得象冰海的冰针一样尖。
For a moment, the old blacksmith eyed the razors as though he would fain not use them. 这个老铁匠,好象舍不得用这些剃刀似的,对着它瞪了一会儿。
Take them, man, I have no need for them; for I now neither shave, sup, nor pray till — but here — to work! 拿去呀,老朋友,我用不着了;因为我现在不刮胡子,不吃饭,也不做祷告了,要等到——可是,拿去——干活吧!
Fashioned at last into an arrowy shape, and welded by Perth to the shank, the steel soon
pointed3 the end of the iron; 终于铸成了一支箭式的东西,柏斯把它焊在那枪头上,不一会,就是一支头头很尖的标枪了;
and as the blacksmith was about giving the barbs their final heat, prior to tempering them, he cried to Ahab to place the water-cask near. 铁匠准备把那尖钩再淬最后一次火,他嚷着要亚哈把水桶搬拢些。
No, no — no water for that; I want it of the true death-temper. Ahoy, there! Tashtego, Queequeg, Daggoo! What say ye, pagans! 不,不,水不顶事;我要真正的淬硬。喂,听着!塔斯蒂哥,魁魁格,大个儿!你们觉得怎样,异教徒们!
Will ye give me as much blood as will cover this
barb1? holding it high up. 你们都愿意尽量拿出你们的血来涂抹这只枪钩嘛?他把标枪举得高高的。
A cluster of dark nods replied, Yes. 一抹阴影在点头代替回答。
punctures5 were made in the heathen flesh, and the White Whale's barbs were then tempered. 于是,在三个异教徒的身上戳了三枪后,那支打白鲸的标枪钩便淬硬了。
Ego4 non baptizo te in nomine patris, sed in nomine diaboli!
deliriously6 howled Ahab, as the
malignant7 iron scorchingly
devoured8 the baptismal blood. 我不是奉天父之名,而是奉魔鬼之名为你洗礼(拉丁文)。亚哈神志昏迷似地咆哮道,这时,那支大标枪已滋滋地吸干了那洗礼似的血。"