时间:2019-01-28 05:01:51
Even the cabin table itself had been knocked into kindling-wood; 甚至舱室里的饭桌也给敲来引火了;
and the cabin mess dined off the broad head of an oil-butt,
lashed1 down to the floor for a centrepiece. 船长室里只得用一个大油桶紧缚在舱室中央的船板上权充饭桌。
In the forecastle, the sailors had actually
caulked2 and pitched their chests, and filled them; 在船头楼里,水手们都把他们的箱子用沥青修补了缝缝隙隙后拿来装油;
it was humorously added, that the cook had clapped a head on his largest
boiler3, and filled it; 更有意思的是,那厨司灵机一动,把他的最大的锅子也拿来装油了;
that the
steward4 had plugged his spare coffee-pot and filled it; that the harpooneers had headed the
sockets5 of their irons and filled them; 茶房也巴结地拿出一把备用的咖啡壶来装油;标枪手们都把标枪头拔下来,把油装在承口里;
that indeed everything was filled with
sperm6, except the captain's pantaloons pockets, 真是什么东西都装上了鲸油,只除了船长那几只大裤袋没装,
and those he reserved to thrust his hands into, in self-complacent
testimony7 of his entire satisfaction. 因为他要把双手插在裤袋里,显显他那非常心满意足的得意洋洋的气派。
As this glad ship of good luck bore down upon the
moody8 Pequod, the
barbarian9 sound of enormous drums came from her forecastle; 当这艘鸿运高照。喜气洋洋的船向郁郁不欢的"裴廓德号"冲过来的时候,就听到他们船头楼上那几只大鼓发出的野里野气的声音;
and drawing still nearer, a crowd of her men were seen
standing10 round her huge try-pots, 等到更靠拢的时候,就看到他们那一群水手站在那个大炼油锅四周,
which, covered with the parchment-like
poke11 or stomach skin of the black fish, 那只大炼油锅,不知是覆上羊皮纸似的"鱼鳔"还是黑鱼的鱼肚皮,
forth12 a loud roar to every stroke of the
clenched13 hands of the crew. 水手们握紧的拳头每一阵击打,就发出一阵巨大的响声。
On the quarter-deck, the mates and harpooneers were dancing with the olive-hued girls who had eloped with them from the Polynesian
Isles14; 在后甲板上,大二三副和标枪手们正跟那些随他们从玻利尼西亚群岛上私奔出来的棕榄色女郎在跳舞;
while suspended in an
ornamented15 boat, firmly secured aloft between the foremast and mainmast, 在那艘紧缚在前桅和主桅间的、高高吊起的装璜得很漂亮的小艇里,
three Long Island negroes, with glittering fiddle-bows of whale ivory, were presiding over the
hilarious16 jig17. 三个长岛黑人,手里都拿着用鲸骨做的亮闪闪的提琴弓,正在主持这个兴高采烈的急迫而轻快的舞会。