时间:2019-01-28 05:02:18
Meanwhile, others of the ship's company were tumultuously busy at the masonry1 of the try-works, from which the huge pots had been removed. 这时,其他的船员们正在闹哄哄地忙着炼油间的泥水工作,大油锅已经搬出来了。
You would have almost thought they were pulling down the cursed Bastille, 当他们把那种无用的砖头和灰泥摔到海里,
such wild cries they raised, as the now useless brick and
mortar2 were being
hurled3 into the sea. 发出那么狂野的叫喊声时,简直叫人以为他们正在捣毁那可诅咒的巴士底狱(一七八九年法国大革命中为群众所捣毁的巴黎监狱。)。
Lord and master over all this scene, the captain stood
erect4 on the ship's elevated quarter-deck, 那个船长身子笔挺地站在那高高在上的后甲板上,威风凛凛地俯瞰着这种场面,
so that the whole rejoicing drama was full before him, and seemed merely
contrived5 for his own individual diversion. 整个喜剧似的场面都尽收在他眼底,好象这纯然是为他个人娱乐而演出的。
And Ahab, he too was
standing6 on his quarter-deck, shaggy and black, with a stubborn gloom; 亚哈也站在他的后甲板上,他蓬头散发,腌里腌臜,显得又倔强又阴郁;
and as the two ships crossed each other's wakes — one all jubilations for things passed, 当这两艘船彼此擦尾而过的时候——一艘在为它那已经做过的事情而欢天喜地,
the other all forebodings as to things to come — their two captains in themselves impersonated the whole striking contrast of the scene. 另一艘却在全神期待着即将到来的事情——他们这两个船长本身就代表着完全相反的两种局面。
Come aboard, come aboard! cried the gay Bachelor's commander, lifting a glass and a bottle in the air. 上船来吧,上船来吧!那个喜形于色的"单身汉号"船长高声叫道,高举着一只酒杯和一瓶酒。
Hast seen the White Whale?
gritted7 Ahab in reply. 看到过白鲸吗?亚哈牙齿轧轧作响地问道。
No; only heard of him; but don't believe in him at all, said the other good-humoredly. "Come aboard!" 没有,听倒听说过;不过,我根本就不相信,那一个船长高高兴兴地说。"上船来吧!"
Thou art too damned jolly. Sail on. Hast lost any men? 你们也太他妈的开心啦。再会吧,可损失了人手?
Not enough to speak of — two islanders, that's all; — but come aboard, old
hearty8, come along. 没有什么了不起——一共只损失两个岛民;——还是上船来吧,老朋友,来呀。
I'll soon take that black from your brow. 我立刻就会使你眉飞色舞。
Come along, will ye (merry's the play); a full ship and homeward-bound. 来呀,好不好(玩一玩多快活呵);我们是满载回家喽。