

时间:2019-02-22 07:14:29



 I have sat before the dense1 coal fire and watched it all aglow2, full of its tormented3 flaming life; 我坐在塞满煤炭的火炉前,瞧它烧得通红,饱含它那熬煎的炽烈的生命;

and I have seen it wane4 at last, down, down, to dumbest dust. 我也看到它最后熄下去,熄下去,熄成一堆无声无色的灰烬。
Old man of oceans! of all this fiery5 life of thine, what will at length remain but one little heap of ashes! 海上的老人呵!你这个火一般的生命,到头来还不是只剩一小堆灰!
Aye, cried Stubb, "but sea-coal ashes — mind ye that, Mr. Starbuck — sea-coal, not your common charcoal6. 喂,斯塔布嚷道,"请记住,只剩一小堆海炭灰,斯达巴克先生,是海炭,不是普通那种黑炭。
Well, well! I heard Ahab mutter, 'Here some one thrusts these cards into these old hands of mine; swears that I must play them, and no others.' 唔,唔,我听到亚哈在自言自语了,'噫,有人在我这双衰老的手里塞进了这几张牌;还赌神发誓地说,我必须单独玩下去。
And damn me, Ahab, but thou actest right; live in the game, and die in it!" 不过,亚哈,你干得不差,活在赌博里,死也死在赌博里!"
Chapter 119 The Candles 第一百十九章 蜡烛
Warmest climes but nurse the cruellest fangs7: the tiger of Bengal crouches8 in spiced groves9 of ceaseless verdure. 最热的地方也就是最会培育最凶残的毒物的地方:孟加拉的老虎蹲在那长绿的香料树丛里。
Skies the most effulgent10 but basket the deadliest thunders: gorgeous Cuba knows tornadoes11 that never swept tame northern lands. 最灿烂的天空最会窝藏那最会致人死命的大雷电:绮丽的古巴就经历过那从来不会刮到单调的北方地带的旋风。
So, too, it is, that in these resplendent Japanese seas the mariner12 encounters the direst of all storms, the Typhoon. 所以,在这辉煌灿烂的日本海上,也会教水手们碰到最可怕的风暴——台风。
It will sometimes burst from out that cloudless sky, like an exploding bomb upon a dazed and sleepy town. 它往往会突然从那晴朗无云的天际飕地刮了起来,象是扔向瞌盹懵懂的小城的一颗大炸弹。
Towards evening of that day, the Pequod was torn of her canvas, and bare-poled was left to fight a Typhoon which had struck her directly ahead. 那天傍晚时分,突然迎头来了一阵台风,把"裴廓德号"的帆布刮得精光,只剩几根赤裸裸的桅杆在风里挣扎。



1 dense aONzX     
  • The general ambushed his troops in the dense woods. 将军把部队埋伏在浓密的树林里。
  • The path was completely covered by the dense foliage. 小路被树叶厚厚地盖了一层。
2 aglow CVqzh     
  • The garden is aglow with many flowers.园中百花盛开。
  • The sky was aglow with the setting sun.天空因夕阳映照而发红光。
3 tormented b017cc8a8957c07bc6b20230800888d0     
  • The knowledge of his guilt tormented him. 知道了自己的罪责使他非常痛苦。
  • He had lain awake all night, tormented by jealousy. 他彻夜未眠,深受嫉妒的折磨。
4 wane bpRyR     
  • The moon is on the wane.月亮渐亏。
  • Her enthusiasm for him was beginning to wane.她对他的热情在开始减退。
5 fiery ElEye     
  • She has fiery red hair.她有一头火红的头发。
  • His fiery speech agitated the crowd.他热情洋溢的讲话激动了群众。
6 charcoal prgzJ     
  • We need to get some more charcoal for the barbecue.我们烧烤需要更多的碳。
  • Charcoal is used to filter water.木炭是用来过滤水的。
7 fangs d8ad5a608d5413636d95dfb00a6e7ac4     
n.(尤指狗和狼的)长而尖的牙( fang的名词复数 );(蛇的)毒牙;罐座
  • The dog fleshed his fangs in the deer's leg. 狗用尖牙咬住了鹿腿。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • Dogs came lunging forward with their fangs bared. 狗龇牙咧嘴地扑过来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
8 crouches 733570b9384961f13db386eb9c83aa40     
n.蹲着的姿势( crouch的名词复数 )v.屈膝,蹲伏( crouch的第三人称单数 )
  • He crouches before rabbit hutch, shed sad tear for the first time. 他蹲在兔窝前,第一次流下了伤心的眼泪。 来自互联网
  • A Malaysian flower mantis, which crouches among flowers awaiting unsuspecting prey. 一只马来西亚花螳螂,蜷缩在鲜花中等待不期而遇的猎物。 来自互联网
9 groves eb036e9192d7e49b8aa52d7b1729f605     
树丛,小树林( grove的名词复数 )
  • The early sun shone serenely on embrowned groves and still green fields. 朝阳宁静地照耀着已经发黄的树丛和还是一片绿色的田地。
  • The trees grew more and more in groves and dotted with old yews. 那里的树木越来越多地长成了一簇簇的小丛林,还点缀着几棵老紫杉树。
10 effulgent SjAzx     
  • China ancient female artists and male artists went hand in hand with effulgent China culture arts.中国古代女性艺术家与男性艺术家并肩齐驱,共同创造了灿烂的中华文化艺术。
  • China and India are both world-famous,civilized countries and they have effulgent culture.中国和印度都是举世闻名的文明古国,都有着光辉灿烂的文化。
11 tornadoes d428421c5237427db20a5bcb22937389     
n.龙卷风,旋风( tornado的名词复数 )
  • Tornadoes, severe earthquakes, and plagues create wide spread havoc. 龙卷风、大地震和瘟疫成普遍的毁坏。 来自互联网
  • Meteorologists are at odds over the working of tornadoes. 气象学者对龙卷风的运动方式看法不一。 来自互联网
12 mariner 8Boxg     
  • A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.平静的大海决不能造就熟练的水手。
  • A mariner must have his eye upon rocks and sands as well as upon the North Star.海员不仅要盯着北极星,还要注意暗礁和险滩。

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