时间:2019-03-14 05:11:13
The javelins1 cease; open eyes; see, or not? 那些个标枪停止不动了,睁开眼睛来,看到了没有?
There burn the flames! Oh, thou magnanimous! now do I do glory in my
genealogy2. 火还在烧着呢!你这个了不起的人物啊!这会儿,我可为我的族系增光啦。
But thou art but my
fiery3 father; my sweet mother, I know not. 可是,你不过是我的炽热的父亲,至于我那可爱的母亲,我却还不认识。
Oh, cruel! what hast thou done with her? 啊,多残酷!你究竟把我母亲怎么搞的?
There lies my puzzle; but thine is greater. 这就是我所大惑不解的:可是,你却更叫人莫测高深。
Thou knowest not how came ye, hence callest thyself unbegotten; certainly knowest not thy beginning, hence callest thyself unbegun. 你因为自己不知道你的来历,这才自称为绝后的;既然你是自称为绝后的,当然就不知道你的来头喽。
I know that of me, which thou knowest not of thyself, oh, thou
omnipotent4. 我清楚我的来历,你却自己不知道自己的来历,你这万能者呵。
There is some unsuffusing thing beyond thee, thou clear spirit, to whom all thy
eternity5 is but time, all thy creativeness mechanical. 你居然有些无法理解的事物,你这个真神呀,你的一切永恒只不过是时间,你一切的创造力都是无意识的。
Through thee, thy flaming self, my
scorched6 eyes do dimly see it. 我通过你,通过你那燃烧着的体躯,我的灼伤的眼睛只能模糊地看到这一切。
Oh, thou foundling fire, thou
hermit7 immemorial, thou too hast thy incommunicable
riddle8, thy unparticipated grief. 你这弃儿的火呀,你这年代久远的隐士呵,你也有你自己的无法表达的哑谜,你自己的叫人无法分担的悲伤。
Here again with
haughty9 agony, I read my sire. 这里,我再次地又傲慢又苦痛地看清了我的祖先。
Leap! leap up, and lick the sky! 跳吧,跳起来吧,火舌直舔上青天吧!
I leap with thee; I burn with thee; would fain be welded with thee; defyingly I worship thee! 我要跟你一起跳,我要跟你一起烧;我情愿跟你焊在一起;我不顾一切地崇拜你!
The boat! the boat! cried Starbuck, "look at thy boat, old man!" 小艇!小艇!斯达巴克叫了起来,"看你那只小艇,老人家!"