时间:2019-03-26 05:03:16
And that ye may know to what tune1 this heart beats: look ye here; thus I blow out the last fear! 你们应该知道我这颗心在想些什么:你们瞧着,我就这样把这最后的恐惧给消灭了!
And with one blast of his breath he extinguished the flame. 说着,他呼的一吹,把火焰吹熄了。
As in the hurricane that sweeps the plain, men fly the neighborhood of some
lone2, gigantic elm, 好象是碰到一阵刮过平原的飓风,人们都躲到附近那棵孤零零的大榆树下去,
whose very height and strength but render it so much the more unsafe, because so much the more a mark for thunderbolts; 可是,它那高大的树身,却更其不安全,因为这更会招来电闪雷击;
so at those last words of Ahab's many of the
mariners3 did run from him in a terror of dismay. 那许多水手听到了亚哈最后这几句话,一阵惊惶,都逃开了他,也正是这般情况。
Chapter 120 The Deck Toward the End of the First Night Watch 第一百二十章 初夜班行将结束的甲板上
standing4 by the helm. Starbuck approaching him. 亚哈站在舵旁。斯达巴克走拢去
We must send down the main-top-sail yard, sir. 我们得把主中桅帆的下桁给卸下来,先生。
The band is working loose and the lee lift is half-stranded. Shall I strike it, sir?" 带子已经松脱,下风的吊索就要散开了。我可以把它扯下来嘛,先生?
Strike nothing;
lash5 it. If I had sky-sail poles, I'd sway them up now. 什么都别去动它;把它缚住。我要是有第三帆的上桅杆的话,我现在就把它们也扯上去。
Sir! — in God's name! — sir? Well. 先生?——上帝在上!——先生。唔。
The anchors are working, sir. Shall I get them inboard? 锚链在晃动了,先生。我可以把它们收进来嘛?
Strike nothing, and stir nothing but lash everything. 什么都别去动它,什么都别动,把一切都缚好。
The wind rises, but it has not got up to my table-lands yet. 起风了,可是,还没有吹到我的头盖骨。
Quick, and see to it. — By masts and keels! he takes me for the hunchbacked skipper of some coasting
smack6. 快,留心——。天呀!他竟把我看做什么沿海渔船的佝偻小船长呢。
Send down my main-top-sail yard! Ho, gluepots! 要卸下我的主中桅帆下桁!嗬,胶锅子!
Loftiest trucks were made for wildest winds, and this brain-truck of mine now sails amid the cloud-scud. Shall I strike that? 顶高的桅冠就是做来挡着顶厉害的风的,可我这个脑顶冠现在正在腾云驾雾呢。我可以把它扯下来嘛?