时间:2019-03-26 05:03:40
Oh, none but cowards send down their brain-trucks in tempest time. 啊,在风暴中,只有胆小鬼才会卸下他们的脑顶冠。
What a hooroosh aloft there! 那上边可呼噜噜地响得多厉害呀!
I would e'en take it for
sublime1, did I not know that the colic is a noisy
malady2. 如果我不知道疝气痛是最吵闹的疾病的话,我甚至还会把它当做什么了不起的东西呢。
Oh, take medicine, take medicine! 啊,拿药来,拿药来!
Chapter 121 Midnight — The Forecastle
Bulwarks3 第一百二十一章 午夜——船头楼的舷墙
Stubb and
Flask4 mounted on them, and passing additional lashings over the anchors there hanging. 斯塔布和弗拉斯克爬在舷墙上,给挂在舷墙上的锚添缚绳索。
No, Stubb; you may pound that knot there as much as you please, but you will never pound into me what you were just now saying. 不,斯塔布,那个结头你爱怎样捣就怎样捣吧,可是,你千万别净拿刚才说的那番话来对我鼓捣个不停。
And how long ago is it since you said the very contrary? 上回你说的那番全然相反的话,到现在才隔多久呀?
Didn't you once say that whatever ship Ahab sails in, that ship should pay something extra on its insurance policy, 有一回,你不是说过,亚哈随便驶哪一艘船,那艘船的保险单上就得加保一些什么,
just as though it were loaded with powder barrels aft and boxes of lucifers forward? Stop, now; didn't you say so?" 好象它是船梢装满火药桶,船头装着一箱箱黄磷火柴嘛?慢点,喂,你不是这样说过吗?
Well, suppose I did? What then! 唔,就算我这么说过,那又怎么样呢?
I've part changed my flesh since that time, why not my mind? 打那回后,我的肉体已经起了点儿变化,难道我的脑筋就不变嘛?
Besides, supposing we are loaded with powder barrels aft and lucifers forward; 再说,就算我们是船梢载着一桶桶火药,船头又尽是黄磷火柴;
how the devil could the lucifers get afire in this
drenching5 spray here? 那么,在这种浪花泼溅得湿漉漉的地方,黄磷火柴有什么魔法会烧起来呢?
Why, my little man, you have pretty red hair, but you couldn't get afire now. 喂,我的小朋友,你长着一头漂亮的红头发,可你现在也烧不起来呀。
Shake yourself; you're Aquarius, or the water-bearer, Flask; might fill
pitchers6 at your coat collar. 你拿出勇气来;你是水瓶星,也是挑水夫,弗拉斯克;你的领口实在可以装上一瓶瓶的水。
Don't you see, then, that for these extra risks the
Marine7 Insurance companies have extra guarantees? 你不知道水险公司对这些额外的风险,就有额外的保证吗?
Here are hydrants, Flask. But hark, again, and I'll answer ye the other thing. 弗拉斯克,你就是救火龙头。你再听着,我还要回答你另一个问题。