时间:2019-05-10 01:53:03
One after another they peered in, for nothing but their own eyes could persuade such ignorance as theirs, 大家都挨个儿凑上去一瞧,只有他们自己那双眼睛才能相信这种无知的事情,
and one after another they slunk away. 接着,他们又一个个地溜了。
In his
fiery1 eyes of scorn and triumph, you then saw Ahab in all his fatal pride. 这时,人们可以从亚哈那双充满蔑视与胜利的如火的眼睛里,看到他那非常自豪的神色。
Chapter 125 The Log and Line 第一百二十五章 测程仪和测量绳
While now the fated Pequod had been so long afloat this voyage, the log and line had but very seldom been in use. 这艘命数已定的"裴廓德号"已在这次航程中行驶了这么久,还不大使用过测程仪和测量绳。
Owing to a confident reliance upon other means of determining the vessel's place, some merchantmen, and many whalemen, especially when cruising, 有些商船,尤其是在巡游中的许多捕鲸船,由于相信可以依靠其它确定船只航位的方法,
wholly neglect to heave the log; though at the same time, and frequently more for form's sake than anything else, 完全不把使用测程仪放在心上;虽然同时还常常只是为形式而形式,
regularly putting down upon the customary
slate2 the course
steered3 by the ship, 把船只的航程和每小时的估计的平均行速,
as well as the presumed average rate of progression every hour. 定时记在那块例常的石板上。
It had been thus with the Pequod. "裴廓德号"就是这般情况。
The wooden reel and angular log attached hung, long untouched, just beneath the railing of the after
bulwarks4. 那只同木头绕线轮结在一起的棱形的测程仪,长期没有去碰它,听它挂在后舷墙的栏杆下面。
Rains and spray had damped it; the sun and wind had
warped5 it; all the elements had combined to rot a thing that hung so idly. 雨水和浪花把它溅湿了;风吹日晒把它弄歪了,霜雪雨露都一起来腐蚀这样一件挂在那里闲置不用的东西。
But heedless of all this, his mood seized Ahab, as he happened to glance upon the reel, not many hours after the magnet scene, 心事重重的亚哈,根本就没有注意到这一切情况,就在那个磁铁事件后的不多几个小时,他偶然瞥到了那只绕线轮,
and he remembered how his quadrant was no more, and recalled his
frantic6 oath about the level log and line. 猛然记起他那只象限仪已经不再存在了,不禁记起自己对这只测程仪和测量绳所作的狂妄的誓言。
The ship was sailing plungingly; astern the billows rolled in riots. 这时,船正在前后摇荡地驶去,船梢的波涛汹涌地滚着。