

时间:2019-05-22 02:23:15



 I believe it did, sir; does the ferrule stand, sir? 是的,先生;这个套圈可管用嘛,先生?

Well enough. But art thou not also the undertaker? 真不错。不过,你不是也兼做殡仪馆生意的吗?
Aye, sir; I patched up this thing here as a coffin1 for Queequeg; but they've set me now to turning it into something else. 是呀,先生;我把这东西七拼八凑起来,本来是给魁魁格做只棺材的;可是,他们这会儿又要我把它改成别的东西了。
Then tell me; art thou not an arrant2, all-grasping, intermeddling, monopolizing3, heathenish old scamp, 那么,你倒说给我听;难道你不是个天下闻名的、样样要抓、爱管闲事、专权夺利的异教老恶棍?
to be one day making legs, and the next day coffins4 to clap them in, and yet again life-buoys out of those same coffins? 今天做腿,明天又做把人们关进去的棺材,再过一天又用这只棺材做起救生圈来。
Thou art as unprincipled as the gods, and as much of a jack-of-all-trades. 你呀,就象神明一样毫无定则,而且,还象个万能博士。
But I do not mean anything, sir. I do as I do. 可我一点也没有这意思,先生。我是该做就做。
The gods again. Hark ye, dost thou not ever sing working about a coffin? 又说得好漂亮呀。你听着,难道你在做棺材的时候,就从来不唱唱歌儿嘛?
The Titans, they say, hummed snatches when chipping out the craters5 for volcanoes; 我听说,那些泰坦(希腊神话中的巨人。)神一边在给火山挖开喷火口,还一边哼着小调呢;
and the grave-digger in the play sings, spade in hand. Dost thou never? 还有一些挖墓人,手里拿着铲子,也在嘻嘻哈哈地唱着玩。难道你就从来不唱唱歌儿吗?
Sing, sir? Do I sing? Oh, I'm indifferent enough, sir, for that; 唱歌儿,先生?要我唱歌儿?啊,先生,这玩意儿,我可真没胃口;
but the reason why the grave-digger made music must have been because there was none in his spade, sir. 不过,挖墓人为什么要唱,那一定是因为他的铲子里是空的,先生。
But the caulking6 mallet7 is full of it. Hark to it. 可是,这只补缝的锤子就全是歌子呀。你听。
"Aye, and that's because the lid there's a sounding-board; and what in all things makes the sounding-board is this — there's naught8 beneath. 唔,我看那是因为这块棺材盖上有一种共鸣盘吧;为什么下面是空空如也的,反而都会有这种共鸣盘呢。



1 coffin XWRy7     
  • When one's coffin is covered,all discussion about him can be settled.盖棺论定。
  • The coffin was placed in the grave.那口棺材已安放到坟墓里去了。
2 arrant HNJyA     
  • He is an arrant fool.他是个大傻瓜。
  • That's arrant nonsense.那完全是一派胡言。
3 monopolizing 374d6352588d46e649fc27b1cdaebb20     
v.垄断( monopolize的现在分词 );独占;专卖;专营
  • United States antitrust legislation prohibits corporations from dominating or monopolizing an industry. 美国反托拉斯法禁止公司控制或垄断一项工业。 来自辞典例句
  • Only nobody else must be kind to him: I'm jealous of monopolizing his affection. 可就是用不着别人对他慈爱:我一心要独占他的感情。 来自辞典例句
4 coffins 44894d235713b353f49bf59c028ff750     
n.棺材( coffin的名词复数 );使某人早亡[死,完蛋,垮台等]之物
  • The shop was close and hot, and the atmosphere seemed tainted with the smell of coffins. 店堂里相当闷热,空气仿佛被棺木的味儿污染了。 来自辞典例句
  • Donate some coffins to the temple, equal to the number of deaths. 到寺庙里,捐赠棺材盒给这些死者吧。 来自电影对白
5 craters 1f8461e3895b38f51c992255a1c86823     
n.火山口( crater的名词复数 );弹坑等
  • Small meteorites have left impact craters all over the planet's surface. 这个行星的表面布满了小块陨石留下的撞击坑。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The battlefield was full of craters made by exploding shells. 战场上布满弹坑。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
6 caulking 0b2c89fee00d9226ecfc61a11a935eab     
n.堵缝;敛缝;捻缝;压紧v.堵(船的)缝( caulk的现在分词 );泥…的缝;填塞;使不漏水
  • Plumbers caulk joints in pipe with lead,string or a caulking compound. 管子工用铅、绳子或专用填隙材料使管子的接头不漏水。 来自辞典例句
  • Older windows and doors require maintenance -- scraping, painting and caulking. 旧门窗需要一系列维护,诸如,刮磨,上漆,勾缝。 来自互联网
7 mallet t7Mzz     
  • He hit the peg mightily on the top with a mallet.他用木槌猛敲木栓顶。
  • The chairman rapped on the table twice with his mallet.主席用他的小木槌在桌上重敲了两下。
8 naught wGLxx     
n.无,零 [=nought]
  • He sets at naught every convention of society.他轻视所有的社会习俗。
  • I hope that all your efforts won't go for naught.我希望你的努力不会毫无结果。

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