
CRI实用英语课堂 Unit 64 Fortuneteller I 命运算算看(上)

时间:2007-11-15 07:41:49



Part 1 Feng Shui Expert 风水大师 

Dialogue Script 1  对话原文 1 

Tim: Some guy on the street was telling me about my personality based on my facial features.
Jenny: That's interesting. Well, I can tell you how long you'll live based on your hands.
Tim: I didn't know you did palmistry.
Jenny: I've been doing it for years. Here, let me take a look. (grabs Jason's hand)
Tim: So how long will I live?
Jenny: Your lifeline is pretty long. I'd say you'll live to a ripe old age of ninety years.
Tim: Will I be getting married any time soon?
Jenny: Your loveline is a bit messy. It looks like you might get married two or three times.
Tim: That's Cool. So, even if I get engaged with Beth, it won't matter too much?
Jenny: How can you be so flippant when you have such a long headline?
Tim: That means I'm very smart, right?
Jenny: No. It just means you like to think through things carefully.
Tim: Something I'm thinking carefully now is, why do people believe in this stuff1, anyway?
Jenny: My teacher taught me that everything on the body represents everything else.
Tim: So why don't you look at my feet?
Jenny: Because they smell bad!
Tim: Fine then. You ready to come help me decorate my room now?


1. 对话中,Jenny在给Tim看手相。刚刚在街上有个人给Tim看面相,facial 意思是“脸部的,面部的”,而features是指“五官,相貌”,一般都是以复数形式出现,在后面加-s。feature还可以表示“报纸、电视等中关于某人或者某事物的特写或专题节目”,比如说,The newspaper will be running a special feature on education next week. 报纸下周要发表一篇关于教育的专题文章。

2. Jenny觉得这挺有意思的,她还会看手相,可以根据手相来判断出Tim可以活多久,Tim原来可不知道Jenny会看手相,“手相,掌纹学”就是palmistry,那么看手相就是do palmistry。原来Jenny对手相已经研究好些年了。I've been doing it for years. 当你研究某件事情多年,已经小有心得,你就可以用上这句话,句子中的it所代表的就是你擅长的事情。 例如,You know how to read tarot cards? ---Yes. I've been doing it for years. ---你知道如何解读塔罗牌吗?---知道,我已经钻研多年了。还有,---I didn't know you were an expert on astrology. --- I've been doing it for years. ---我不知道你原来是一个星座学家。---我对星座学已经研究多年了。

3. Jenny抓住Tim的手就开始给他看手相。那么从手相上看,Tim可以活多久呢? Jenny说Tim的生命线,lifeline很长,可以活到九十岁的高龄。Tim又问自己是不是很快就会结婚了呢?Jenny研究了一下说,Tim的感情线loveline有一点乱,看起来可能会有两三次的婚姻。

4. Tim问既然是这样,那他和Beth订不订婚都不会有太大的影响了?get engaged with someone,表示“与某人订婚”。Jenny就不明白了,Tim的智慧线headline那么长,为什么他的为人还是这么轻率呢?flippant,就是指“轻浮的,轻率的,油滑的”,比如说,He just gave me a flippant answer. 他漫不经心随口给了我一个答案。

5. 这里我们总结一下每个人手相上的三条最重要的线,lifeline,生命线;loveline,爱情线;还有headline,智慧线。Tim问,智慧线长是否代表着他很聪明呢?Jenny回答说不是,那只代表一个人喜欢仔细地考虑事情。Tim说他现在在思考的事情就是为什么有那么多的人会相信这个东西。

6. Jenny的老师告诉她,每个人身体上的每个部位都代表着某种意义。Tim开玩笑地说,那你怎么不看看我的“脚相”?Jenny也不示弱,回敬他说,因为他的脚很臭。Tim看说不过Jenny,就改变了话题,问Jenny要不要来帮他布置房间。


1. When reading palms, you first look at the shape of the hand and then the lines.

2. Having a thick and flexible hand means you have a lot of energy.

3. Fine lines on the palm mean you think clearly and rationally2.

4. Beginners at palm reading need to learn the three basic lines.

5. One is the lifeline, which represents health and longevity3.

6. Then there is the wisdom line, which represents thinking and personality.

7. The last line is the loveline, which represents emotions and relationships.

Dialogue Script 2  对话原文 2 

Jenny: No wonder your luck's been so bad recently.
Tim: What are you talking about?
Jenny: Your apartment's feng shui is all messed up.
Tim: You getting superstitious4 on me again?
Jenny: You have a beam5 right over your bed.
Tim: So what? It keeps the ceiling from falling on me.
Jenny: It also cuts your energy in half while you sleep. You should put some fabric6 over it.
Tim: Well, it would look prettier that way, I guess.
Jenny: and your plants are in the wrong corner of the room.
Tim: But they get the most light right there.
Jenny: If you moved them to the southeast corner, you'd start earning more money.
Tim: No. If I switched jobs, I'd make more money.
Jenny: Tim, feng shui is a five thousand years old science.
Tim: There's nothing scientific about it.
Jenny: Do you feel tired in the morning?
Tim: Yes. It's because Beth's whining7 wears me out too much.
Jenny: No. It's because your bed points towards the door.
Tim: Whatever. Just help me put these posters up, would you?
Jenny: I thought you wanted my advice. Whatever. You'll see the light, eventually.
Tim: Not if you make me move my bed. OK, let's get to work.


1. 在这段对话中,讲到了很多关于风水的问题。好,现在我们来看对话,Jenny来到了Tim的公寓,仔细观察之后说,怪不得Tim最近的运气那么糟糕,原来是Tim房间的风水出了问题。这里用汉语拼音feng shui,来表示“风水”。

2. Tim说Jenny又要跟他来封建迷信那一套,他可不相信。superstitious表示“迷信的,沉溺于迷信的”,用法是superstitious on sth or about sth,比如说,I always put my left shoe on first; I'm superstitious about it. 我穿鞋总是先左后右,我是很迷信这件事的。

3. Jenny指出Tim的床的正上方有一道横梁,就是beam。 Tim说那又怎么样呢?这样天花板就不会落在他身上了。keep sb/sth from doing sth,表示“防止某人某物做某事”。

4. Jenny解释说,这道横梁会在睡觉的时候将你的能量减半,应该挂一些布给它遮住。这里的fabric就是指“纺织品”。Tim同意了Jenny的提议。不过不是因为他同意Jenny关于风水的说法,而是他觉得这样布置会让房间漂亮一些。Jenny又说Tim房间的盆栽也放错了位置,但是Tim觉得盆栽放在那里可以吸收到最多的太阳光线,对植物的生长有利。

5. Jenny告诉Tim,如果他把盆栽移到东南边的角落,你就会开始赚更多的钱。Tim才不相信,如果他换了工作,会赚更多的钱倒是真的,而不是换盆栽的位置。Jenny看Tim不相信feng shui,说,feng shui is a five thousand years old science.风水学可是一门有五千年历史的科学。

6. 可是Tim觉得这里面根本没有科学性可言。Jenny为了证明feng shui是有科学性的,问他是不是早上起来经常感觉到累。Tim说的确是这样,不过不是因为床的正上方有横梁的缘故,而是因为他的女朋友Beth的唠叨让他没有办法好好睡觉。whine的意思是“装可怜,发牢骚,以哀求的声音说某事”。 比如说,"I want to sleep," he whined8. 他哀求着说:“我要睡觉。”

7. wear sb out,表示“让某人感到疲倦”。Just listen to her silly chatter9 wears me out. 我听着她无聊的谈话就让我昏昏欲睡。而wear sth out,表示“用完,耗尽某物”,比如说,I wore out three pair of boots on the walking tour. 我徒步旅行就穿坏了三双靴子。

8. Jenny说Tim之所以早上起来会觉得累是因为他的床正对着门。Tim才不管这些,只想让Jenny帮他把这些海报挂上就好了。Jenny还以为Tim想听她的建议呢,无所谓了,她认为Tim最后会明白的。

9. 汉语里面有一种说法是“看见一道曙光”,英语里也有这么一句see the light,只不过这句“看见光”是指“明白”的意思。也就是说,当你看见那道光,你就什么都明白了。比如说,---I don't believe in God. ---Some day you'll see the light. ---我不相信上帝。---总有一天你会明白的。


1. Chinese people have a lot of faith in feng shui.

2. They believe that the arrangement of your environment affects your energy and luck.

3. Even the feng shui of the tombs of your head ancestors will influence your life.

4. The most obvious things to look at are the placement of fish bowls and plants.

5. Also, beams10 in houses should not be directly facing people.

6. But if you keep your surroundings11 neat and clean, even if you don't have the help of an expert, your life should be smooth and comfortable.




1 stuff Itsw1     
  • We could supply you with the stuff in the raw tomorrow.明天我们可以供应你原材料。
  • He is not the stuff.他不是这个材料。
2 rationally IkozDP     
  • We are determined to set up a complete, rationally distributed scientific and technological research system. 我们一定要建成布局合理、相互配套的科研体系。
  • Neither side would rationally initiate an attack which only result in its own destruction. 任何一方只要稍有理性,都不会发动一次结果只能使本身遭到毁灭的袭击。
3 longevity C06xQ     
  • Good habits promote longevity.良好的习惯能增长寿命。
  • Human longevity runs in families.人类的长寿具有家族遗传性。
4 superstitious BHEzf     
  • They aim to deliver the people who are in bondage to superstitious belief.他们的目的在于解脱那些受迷信束缚的人。
  • These superstitious practices should be abolished as soon as possible.这些迷信做法应尽早取消。
5 beam 2Wlzv     
  • The load on this beam is more than it will bear.横梁上的负荷比它能承受的要大得多。
  • I could see the beam of his flashlight waving around in the dark.我可以看到他的手电筒光在黑暗中上下舞动。
6 fabric 3hezG     
  • The fabric will spot easily.这种织品很容易玷污。
  • I don't like the pattern on the fabric.我不喜欢那块布料上的图案。
7 whining whining     
n. 抱怨,牢骚 v. 哭诉,发牢骚
  • That's the way with you whining, puny, pitiful players. 你们这种又爱哭、又软弱、又可怜的赌棍就是这样。
  • The dog sat outside the door whining (to be let in). 那条狗坐在门外狺狺叫着(要进来)。
8 whined cb507de8567f4d63145f632630148984     
v.哀号( whine的过去式和过去分词 );哀诉,诉怨
  • The dog whined at the door, asking to be let out. 狗在门前嚎叫着要出去。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • He whined and pouted when he did not get what he wanted. 他要是没得到想要的东西就会发牢骚、撅嘴。 来自辞典例句
9 chatter BUfyN     
  • Her continuous chatter vexes me.她的喋喋不休使我烦透了。
  • I've had enough of their continual chatter.我已厌烦了他们喋喋不休的闲谈。
10 beams de3a31fb6d382041f309091b4b19c647     
n.梁( beam的名词复数 );束;1 光线;(电波的)波束v.发出光与热( beam的第三人称单数 );面露喜色;播送;1 笑容满面,眉开眼笑 2 发射电波,播送 3 放出束状的光(或热)
  • The beams are riddled with woodworm. 这些木梁被蛀虫蛀得都是洞。
  • In front were five rooms with painted beams and carved pillars. 正面五间上房,皆是画梁雕栋。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
11 surroundings qrwwa     
  • She is not very well tuned into her surroundings. 她不太适应周围的环境。
  • The rich man lives in luxurious surroundings.这位富人生活在奢侈的环境中。

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