
科学美国人60秒 SSS 投弹手甲虫聚集在一起寻求安全

时间:2019-12-16 07:03:49




This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Bob Hirshon.

If you're a skunk1, or fox, or very strange person, and you poke2 your nose under a rock in the desert Southwest, looking for something to eat, you might be surprised to see dozens of bright blue and red beetles4 scurrying5 t?????o and fro. And you might be really curious as they quickly turn their butts6 toward you. 

But the curiosity wouldn't last long: a couple thousandths of a second later, a fusillade of boiling hot, toxic7 spray would drive off both you and your musings.

The insects with the spraying butts are fittingly named bombardier beetles. And they can fire off 500 pulses per second of caustic8 defensive9 chemicals. What also makes them unusual is that even though the nocturnal beetles are solitary10 by night, dozens or even hundreds of them—of various bombardier species—snuggle together under rocks during the day.

"It's actually a fairly unusual phenomenon for different species to regularly associate with one another."

University of Arizona entomologist Wendy Moore.

"But these guys are sheltering together, and they're actually doing it intentionally11, you know, because they have more options. There's plenty of options within the habitat that they could actually segregate12 out by species, and they don't."

In fact, when Moore and her colleagues put beetles into a setting where they had cozy13 solitary hiding places, as well as hiding places already packed with other beetles, the newcomers invariably chose to shelter with others under the crowded rocks. The study is in the journal PLOS One.

Moore says buddying14 up may help protect the insects from predators16.

"Bombardier beetles produce benzoquinones, which are really powerful as a matter of defense17, but these other beetles produce other kinds of defensive chemicals that probably contribute to a big chemical cocktail18 for a vertebrate predator15 that might find them during the day."

In addition, a lone19 beetle3, no matter how brightly colored, might not scare off a predator as effectively as a whole bunch of beetles.

"If you imagine being a predator, even a human, turning over a rock and seeing hundreds of these blue and red beetles going in every direction, that serves as a bigger advertisement to them of their toxicity20. It may help them be able to avoid attack."

So whatever you can say about an encounter with these fearsome little insects, you can't say that you weren't warned.

Thanks for listening for Scientific American — 60-Second Science. I'm Bob Hirshon.



1 skunk xERzE     
  • That was a rotten thing to do, you skunk!那种事做得太缺德了,你这卑鄙的家伙!
  • The skunk gives off an unpleasant smell when attacked.受到攻击时臭鼬会发出一种难闻的气味。
2 poke 5SFz9     
  • We never thought she would poke her nose into this.想不到她会插上一手。
  • Don't poke fun at me.别拿我凑趣儿。
3 beetle QudzV     
  • A firefly is a type of beetle.萤火虫是一种甲虫。
  • He saw a shiny green beetle on a leaf.我看见树叶上有一只闪闪发光的绿色甲虫。
4 beetles e572d93f9d42d4fe5aa8171c39c86a16     
n.甲虫( beetle的名词复数 )
  • Beetles bury pellets of dung and lay their eggs within them. 甲壳虫把粪粒埋起来,然后在里面产卵。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • This kind of beetles have hard shell. 这类甲虫有坚硬的外壳。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
5 scurrying 294847ddc818208bf7d590895cd0b7c9     
v.急匆匆地走( scurry的现在分词 )
  • We could hear the mice scurrying about in the walls. 我们能听见老鼠在墙里乱跑。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • We were scurrying about until the last minute before the party. 聚会开始前我们一直不停地忙忙碌碌。 来自辞典例句
6 butts 3da5dac093efa65422cbb22af4588c65     
笑柄( butt的名词复数 ); (武器或工具的)粗大的一端; 屁股; 烟蒂
  • The Nazis worked them over with gun butts. 纳粹分子用枪托毒打他们。
  • The house butts to a cemetery. 这所房子和墓地相连。
7 toxic inSwc     
  • The factory had accidentally released a quantity of toxic waste into the sea.这家工厂意外泄漏大量有毒废物到海中。
  • There is a risk that toxic chemicals might be blasted into the atmosphere.爆炸后有毒化学物质可能会进入大气层。
8 caustic 9rGzb     
  • He opened his mouth to make a caustic retort.他张嘴开始进行刻薄的反击。
  • He enjoys making caustic remarks about other people.他喜欢挖苦别人。
9 defensive buszxy     
  • Their questions about the money put her on the defensive.他们问到钱的问题,使她警觉起来。
  • The Government hastily organized defensive measures against the raids.政府急忙布置了防卫措施抵御空袭。
10 solitary 7FUyx     
  • I am rather fond of a solitary stroll in the country.我颇喜欢在乡间独自徜徉。
  • The castle rises in solitary splendour on the fringe of the desert.这座城堡巍然耸立在沙漠的边际,显得十分壮美。
11 intentionally 7qOzFn     
  • I didn't say it intentionally. 我是无心说的。
  • The local authority ruled that he had made himself intentionally homeless and was therefore not entitled to be rehoused. 当地政府裁定他是有意居无定所,因此没有资格再获得提供住房。
12 segregate eExys     
  • We have to segregate for a few day.我们得分离一段日子。
  • Some societies still segregate men and women.有的社会仍然将男女隔离。
13 cozy ozdx0     
  • I like blankets because they are cozy.我喜欢毛毯,因为他们是舒适的。
  • We spent a cozy evening chatting by the fire.我们在炉火旁聊天度过了一个舒适的晚上。
14 buddying 41fe96b58c0672035d379934158ee497     
v.(如密友、战友、伙伴、弟兄般)交往( buddy的现在分词 );做朋友;亲近(…);伴护艾滋病人
  • You start buddy--buddying with them and they'll get knocked off. 你跟他们可亲热不得,一亲热他们就得掉脑袋。 来自辞典例句
15 predator 11vza     
  • The final part of this chapter was devoted to a brief summary of predator species.本章最后部分简要总结了食肉动物。
  • Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard and a fearsome predator.科摩多龙是目前存在的最大蜥蜴,它是一种令人恐惧的捕食性动物。
16 predators 48b965855934a5395e409c1112d94f63     
n.食肉动物( predator的名词复数 );奴役他人者(尤指在财务或性关系方面)
  • birds and their earthbound predators 鸟和地面上捕食它们的动物
  • The eyes of predators are highly sensitive to the slightest movement. 捕食性动物的眼睛能感觉到最细小的动静。 来自《简明英汉词典》
17 defense AxbxB     
  • The accused has the right to defense.被告人有权获得辩护。
  • The war has impacted the area with military and defense workers.战争使那个地区挤满了军队和防御工程人员。
18 cocktail Jw8zNt     
  • We invited some foreign friends for a cocktail party.我们邀请了一些外国朋友参加鸡尾酒会。
  • At a cocktail party in Hollywood,I was introduced to Charlie Chaplin.在好莱坞的一次鸡尾酒会上,人家把我介绍给查理·卓别林。
19 lone Q0cxL     
  • A lone sea gull flew across the sky.一只孤独的海鸥在空中飞过。
  • She could see a lone figure on the deserted beach.她在空旷的海滩上能看到一个孤独的身影。
20 toxicity InYwc     
  • The hoarse grunt or squeal is characteristic of toxicity.嘶哑的哼声和叫声是中毒的特征。
  • Dieldrin is related to aldrin,and its toxicity to earthworms is similar.狄氏剂与艾氏剂有关,对蚯蚓的毒性是相似的。

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