

时间:2021-12-15 08:34:05



A Wet Sunday In A Country Inn

A wet Sunday in a country inn !

Whoever has had the luck to experience one can alone judge of my situation.

The rain pattered against the casements1;

the bells tolled2 for church with a melancholy3 sound.

I went to the windows in quest of something to amuse the eye;

but it seemed as if I had been placed completely out of the reach of ail4 amusement.

The windows of my bed-room looked out among tiled roofs and stacks of chimneys,

while those of my sitting-room5 commanded a full view of the stable yard.

I know of nothing more calculated to make a man sick of this world than a stable yard on a rainy day.

The place was littered with wet straw that had been kicked about by travellers and stable-boys.

In one corner was a stagnant6 pool of water, surrounding an island of muck;

there were several half-drowned fowls7 crowded together under a cart,

among which was a miserable8, crest-fallen cock, drenched9 out of ail life and spirit;

his drooping10 tail matted, as it were, into a single feather,

along which the water trickled11 from his hack12;

near the cart was a half- dozing13 cow, chewing her cud,

and standing14 patiently to be rained on, with wreaths of vapour rising from her reekinghide;

a wall-eyed horse, tired of the loneliness of the stable,

was poking15 his spectral16 head out of a window, with the rain dripping on it from the eaves;

an unhappy cur, chained to a dog-house hard by,

uttered something every now and then between a bark and a yelp17;

a drab of a kitchen wench tramped backwards18 and forwards through the yard in pat- tens,

looking as sulky as the weather itself;

everything, iq short, was comfortless and forlorn, excepting a crew of hardened ducks,

assembled like boon19 companions round a puddle20 and making a riotous21 noise over their liquor.


乡村客栈一个阴雨的星期天!凡有幸度过这样一天的人,都能体会我现在的处境。雨点子噼噼啪啪地打在窗子上,教堂里传来沉重的钟声,召唤人们去做礼拜.我走到窗前,想找一些赏心悦目的东西,但看来我已完全被摒于一切欢乐之外.从卧室的窗口望出去,是一片砖瓦的屋顶和林立的烟囱,而从起居室的窗口往下看,则能望见整个马厩院子。我觉得再电没有比雨天的马厩院子更令人厌舸的了.遍地是淋湿了的稻草,被 旅客和小马倌们踢得凌乱不堪。在院子的一角,一潭污水围着孤岛似的粪堆,几只几平被雨水淋透的鸡簇拥在一辆马车底下,其中一只可怜的公鸡,倒垂着鸡冠,被淋得没精打彩,毫无生气,它那耷拉着的尾巴粘结在一起,仿佛只成了一根羽毛,雨水顺着它从背脊往下直淌,高马车不远处.有一头睡跟惺忪的奶牛,嘴里嚼着反刍的食物,默默地站在那里,任凭雨水打在身上,湿淋琳的背上日出缭绕的水气;一匹眼珠小而眼白特大的马厌倦了马厩里的寂寞,把它那幽灵似的脑袋从窗口探了出来,屋檐上的雨水漓沥滴沥地落在它头上;一只不幸的杂种狗被链条拴在近旁的狗窝里,时时发出似吠似嗥的声音;一个邋遢厨娘拖着木屐,迈着沉重的步子在院子里进进出出,她那郁郁不乐的神色,就象阴沉的天气一样;总之,除了一群饱经风雨的鸭子,象饮酒作乐的朋友那样聚集在污水潭的四周呷呷嬉水而外,这儿的一切都令人感到凄凉的沮丧。




1 casements 1de92bd877da279be5126d60d8036077     
n.窗扉( casement的名词复数 )
  • There are two casements in this room. 这间屋子有两扇窗户。 来自互联网
  • The rain pattered against the casements; the bells tolled for church with a melancholy sound. 雨点噼噼啪啪地打在窗子上;教堂里传来沉重的钟声,召唤人们去做礼拜。 来自互联网
2 tolled 8eba149dce8d4ce3eae15718841edbb7     
  • Bells were tolled all over the country at the King's death. 全国为国王之死而鸣钟。
  • The church bell tolled the hour. 教堂的钟声报时。
3 melancholy t7rz8     
  • All at once he fell into a state of profound melancholy.他立即陷入无尽的忧思之中。
  • He felt melancholy after he failed the exam.这次考试没通过,他感到很郁闷。
4 ail lVAze     
  • It may provide answers to some of the problems that ail America.这一点可能解答困扰美国的某些问题。
  • Seek your sauce where you get your ail.心痛还须心药治。
5 sitting-room sitting-room     
  • The sitting-room is clean.起居室很清洁。
  • Each villa has a separate sitting-room.每栋别墅都有一间独立的起居室。
6 stagnant iGgzj     
  • Due to low investment,industrial output has remained stagnant.由于投资少,工业生产一直停滞不前。
  • Their national economy is stagnant.他们的国家经济停滞不前。
7 fowls 4f8db97816f2d0cad386a79bb5c17ea4     
鸟( fowl的名词复数 ); 禽肉; 既不是这; 非驴非马
  • A great number of water fowls dwell on the island. 许多水鸟在岛上栖息。
  • We keep a few fowls and some goats. 我们养了几只鸡和一些山羊。
8 miserable g18yk     
  • It was miserable of you to make fun of him.你取笑他,这是可耻的。
  • Her past life was miserable.她过去的生活很苦。
9 drenched cu0zJp     
adj.湿透的;充满的v.使湿透( drench的过去式和过去分词 );在某人(某物)上大量使用(某液体)
  • We were caught in the storm and got drenched to the skin. 我们遇上了暴雨,淋得浑身透湿。
  • The rain drenched us. 雨把我们淋得湿透。 来自《简明英汉词典》
10 drooping drooping     
adj. 下垂的,无力的 动词droop的现在分词
  • The drooping willows are waving gently in the morning breeze. 晨风中垂柳袅袅。
  • The branches of the drooping willows were swaying lightly. 垂柳轻飘飘地摆动。
11 trickled 636e70f14e72db3fe208736cb0b4e651     
v.滴( trickle的过去式和过去分词 );淌;使)慢慢走;缓慢移动
  • Blood trickled down his face. 血从他脸上一滴滴流下来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The tears trickled down her cheeks. 热泪一滴滴从她脸颊上滚下来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
12 hack BQJz2     
  • He made a hack at the log.他朝圆木上砍了一下。
  • Early settlers had to hack out a clearing in the forest where they could grow crops.早期移民不得不在森林里劈出空地种庄稼。
13 dozing dozing     
v.打瞌睡,假寐 n.瞌睡
  • The economy shows no signs of faltering. 经济没有衰退的迹象。
  • He never falters in his determination. 他的决心从不动摇。
14 standing 2hCzgo     
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
15 poking poking     
n. 刺,戳,袋 vt. 拨开,刺,戳 vi. 戳,刺,捅,搜索,伸出,行动散慢
  • He was poking at the rubbish with his stick. 他正用手杖拨动垃圾。
  • He spent his weekends poking around dusty old bookshops. 他周末都泡在布满尘埃的旧书店里。
16 spectral fvbwg     
  • At times he seems rather ordinary.At other times ethereal,perhaps even spectral.有时他好像很正常,有时又难以捉摸,甚至像个幽灵。
  • She is compelling,spectral fascinating,an unforgettably unique performer.她极具吸引力,清幽如鬼魅,令人着迷,令人难忘,是个独具特色的演员。
17 yelp zosym     
  • The dog gave a yelp of pain.狗疼得叫了一声。
  • The puppy a yelp when John stepped on her tail.当约翰踩到小狗的尾巴,小狗发出尖叫。
18 backwards BP9ya     
  • He turned on the light and began to pace backwards and forwards.他打开电灯并开始走来走去。
  • All the girls fell over backwards to get the party ready.姑娘们迫不及待地为聚会做准备。
19 boon CRVyF     
  • A car is a real boon when you live in the country.在郊外居住,有辆汽车确实极为方便。
  • These machines have proved a real boon to disabled people.事实证明这些机器让残疾人受益匪浅。
20 puddle otNy9     
  • The boy hopped the mud puddle and ran down the walk.这个男孩跳过泥坑,沿着人行道跑了。
  • She tripped over and landed in a puddle.她绊了一下,跌在水坑里。
21 riotous ChGyr     
  • Summer is in riotous profusion.盛夏的大地热闹纷繁。
  • We spent a riotous night at Christmas.我们度过了一个狂欢之夜。

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