
科学美国人60秒 关于珊瑚和气候变化的一些好消息

时间:2022-06-24 03:05:28



Some Good News About Corals and Climate Change


Christopher Intagliata: Within a few decades, global temperatures are expected to climb to 1.5 degrees Celsius1 above pre-industrial levels. And that's gonna be really bad for corals, according to the latest report out from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Christopher Intagliata:几十年内,全球气温预计将比工业化前水平高出 1.5 摄氏度。 根据政府间气候变化专门委员会的最新报告,这对珊瑚来说真的很糟糕。

Andréa Grottoli: So the recent IPCC report says that up to 1.5 we can expect 10 to 30 percent coral survivorship. And above that, it decreases precipitously.

Andréa Grottoli:所以最近的 IPCC 报告说,高达 1.5 我们可以预期 10% 到 30% 的珊瑚存活率。 在此之上,它急剧下降。

Intagliata: Andréa Grottoli is a distinguished2 professor at the Ohio State University. Amid the doom3 and gloom of the IPCC report, Grottoli has some rare GOOD news. Corals may be more adaptable4 to future conditions than we thought.

Her team studied three species of coral from the island of Oahu, in Hawaii. They put them in tanks with either heat stress; more acidic water; or both.

Intagliata:Andréa Grottoli 是俄亥俄州立大学的杰出教授。 在 IPCC 报告的厄运和阴郁中,格罗托利有一些难得的好消息。 珊瑚可能比我们想象的更能适应未来的环境。

她的团队研究了夏威夷瓦胡岛的三种珊瑚。 他们将它们放入具有热应力的水箱中; 更多酸性水; 或两者。

Grottoli: And what really matters in this study is the one where both increases in temperature and ocean acidification, because that's exactly what's happening on reefs now.


Intagliata: Twenty two months later—they assessed the winners and losers. They found that on average, more than half the corals survived. Even after being punished with warmer, more acidic waters—the kind they'd face under two degrees of global warming.

Intagliata:22 个月后——他们评估了赢家和输家。 他们发现,平均而言,超过一半的珊瑚幸存下来。 即使在受到更温暖、更酸的水的惩罚之后——在全球变暖两度的情况下,他们也会面临这种情况。

Grottoli: The corals that survived, two of the three species were actually physiologically6 performing normally. They were doing more than surviving. They were coping, they'd acclimatized. They were doing well.

Grottoli:幸存下来的珊瑚,三个物种中的两个实际上在生理上表现正常。 他们所做的不仅仅是生存。 他们正在应对,他们已经适应了。 他们做得很好。

Intagliata: The results appear in the journal Scientific Reports. [Rowan H. McLachlan et al, Physiological5 acclimatization in Hawaiian corals following a 22-month shift in baseline seawater temperature and pH]


Grottoli says the study provides hope the world's corals may be more resilient than we thought—especially since one of the Hawaiian species they studied is widespread around the planet. But will this good news motivate world leaders to rein7 in warming? Well, corals may be able to wait just a little longer to find out.

格罗托利说,这项研究提供了希望,世界上的珊瑚可能比我们想象的更有弹性——特别是因为他们研究的夏威夷物种之一在地球上广泛分布。 但这个好消息会激励世界领导人控制变暖吗? 好吧,珊瑚也许可以再等一会儿才能找到答案。



1 Celsius AXRzl     
  • The temperature tonight will fall to seven degrees Celsius.今晚气温将下降到七摄氏度。
  • The maximum temperature in July may be 36 degrees Celsius.七月份最高温度可能达到36摄氏度。
2 distinguished wu9z3v     
  • Elephants are distinguished from other animals by their long noses.大象以其长长的鼻子显示出与其他动物的不同。
  • A banquet was given in honor of the distinguished guests.宴会是为了向贵宾们致敬而举行的。
3 doom gsexJ     
  • The report on our economic situation is full of doom and gloom.这份关于我们经济状况的报告充满了令人绝望和沮丧的调子。
  • The dictator met his doom after ten years of rule.独裁者统治了十年终于完蛋了。
4 adaptable vJDyI     
  • He is an adaptable man and will soon learn the new work.他是个适应性很强的人,很快就将学会这种工作。
  • The soil is adaptable to the growth of peanuts.这土壤适宜于花生的生长。
5 physiological aAvyK     
  • He bought a physiological book.他买了一本生理学方面的书。
  • Every individual has a physiological requirement for each nutrient.每个人对每种营养成分都有一种生理上的需要。
6 physiologically QNfx3     
  • Therefore, the liver and gallbladder cannot be completely separated physiologically and pathologically. 因此,肝胆在生理和病理上不能完全分离。
  • Therefore, the liver and gallbladder are closely related physiologically and pathologically. 因此,肝胆在生理和病理上紧密联系。
7 rein xVsxs     
  • The horse answered to the slightest pull on the rein.只要缰绳轻轻一拉,马就作出反应。
  • He never drew rein for a moment till he reached the river.他一刻不停地一直跑到河边。

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