n. & v.
1. To issue a command to; direct. 命令给…发布命令;指示
2. To utter (a greeting or salutation). 致敬表达(问候或致意)
3. To invite to attend; summon. 邀请邀请参加;召唤
4. To state one's intention to take (tricks of a certain number or suit in cards): 叫牌陈述要(某一花色或赢墩数目)的意愿: bid four hearts. 叫四个红心
5. To offer or propose (an amount) as a price. 出价提出或建议一个数量作为价格
6. To offer (someone) membership, as in a group or club: 成为会员接受为某一团体或俱乐部的成员: Glancing around to be sure that he had been bid by a society that he wanted?Louis Auchincloss) “扫视四周以确认自己已被他需要的社会所接纳”(路易斯·奥金克洛斯)
7. To make an offer to pay or accept a specified1 price: 投标出价或接受某一特定的价格: decided2 not to bid on the roll-top desk. 决定不投标那张顶盖可卷缩的写字台
8. To seek to win or attain3 something; strive. 力求企图得到或赢得某物;力求
9. An offer or proposal of a price. 出价提出或建议一个价格
10. The amount offered or proposed: 投标价提出或建议的出价数目: They lost the contract because their bid was too high. 他们因索价太高而失去了那张合同
11. An invitation, especially one offering membership in a group or club. 邀请加入团体邀请,尤指被一团体或俱乐部接受为成员
12. The act of bidding in cards. 叫牌桥牌中的叫牌
13. The number of tricks or points declared. 点数所叫的墩数或点数
14. The trump4 or no-trump declared. 王牌叫定,非王牌叫定 The turn of a player to bid. 轮流叫牌轮到某牌手叫牌
15. An earnest effort to win or attain something: 努力争取要赢得或得到某东西的热切努力: made a bid for the presidency5. 企图当选总统
1. at sb.'s bidding 根据某人的命令
2. make a bid for 设法得到
3. bid fair 看起来可能 Our plan bids fair to succeed. 我们的计划似乎会成功。
4. do sb.'s bidding 按某人的旨意去办
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adj.特定的 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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vt.达到,获得,完成 | |
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n.王牌,法宝;v.打出王牌,吹喇叭 | |
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n.总统(校长,总经理)的职位(任期) | |
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