
CNN 2008-06-07

时间:2009-04-06 01:30:50



Hello there, I'm Brooke Baldwin at the CNN Center in Atlanta with a look at what's happening NOW IN THE NEWS.

Out west thousands of Los Angeles teachers skipped first-hour classes this morning to protest proposed state budget cuts for education. Teachers held signs and banners protesting those cuts that will likely include laying off teachers in their first year on the job. LA school district officials say participating teachers will be docked an hour's pay for all that missed class time.

More Americans are now on the unemployment line. The latest number showed the unemployment rate soared to 5.5% in May, that's up half a percent since April. The Labor1 Department says it marks the biggest one-month jump in unemployment since February of 1986. Unemployment rate is at its highest mark since October 2004. And overall here, the economy has lost 324,000 jobs since the start of the year.

Forecasters are keeping a very close eye on the weather from the Plains into the Midwest today. This morning some weather spotters in Minnesota say a tornado2 touched down just outside of Park Rapids, leaving a half-mile path of destruction there. Take a look at this here. Forecasters say severe storms could cause more damage in Kansas, Nebraska and Missouri. One twister destroyed a home, damaged several buildings and brought down trees in Clay County, Kansas. That happened yesterday. The storms also left streets flooded in the Kansas town of WaKeeney.

And we knew they met last night, we all know now, but so far neither Senator Barack Obama nor Senator Hillary Clinton are saying very much about that secret conversation. California Senator Dianne Feinstein says that meeting took place in her Washington, D. C. home in her living room. It lasted about an hour and the two were alone. The meeting came just days after Senator Obama clinched3 enough delegates to secure the Democratic presidential nomination4. Senator Clinton is expected to announce she is suspending her campaign tomorrow.

And people in Detroit see in red a victory party fit for the Wings. Take a look at this here, the Detroit Red Wings enjoyed a victory parade this afternoon. This is their fourth Stanley Cup win since 1997. And thousands of fans stood up and down Detroit's Woodward Avenue in red and white to celebrate the Red Wings' victory. The Stanley Cup will spend the rest of this year in Motor City.

And that's a quick look at what's making news this hour. Stay with CNN for more on those stories and other news throughout the day, this Friday.



1 labor P9Tzs     
  • We are never late in satisfying him for his labor.我们从不延误付给他劳动报酬。
  • He was completely spent after two weeks of hard labor.艰苦劳动两周后,他已经疲惫不堪了。
2 tornado inowl     
  • A tornado whirled into the town last week.龙卷风上周袭击了这座城市。
  • The approaching tornado struck awe in our hearts.正在逼近的龙卷风使我们惊恐万分。
3 clinched 66a50317a365cdb056bd9f4f25865646     
v.(尤指两人)互相紧紧抱[扭]住( clinch的过去式和过去分词 );解决(争端、交易),达成(协议)
  • The two businessmen clinched the deal quickly. 两位生意人很快达成了协议。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Evidently this information clinched the matter. 显然,这一消息使问题得以最终解决。 来自辞典例句
4 nomination BHMxw     
  • John is favourite to get the nomination for club president.约翰最有希望被提名为俱乐部主席。
  • Few people pronounced for his nomination.很少人表示赞成他的提名。

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