
You’ll hear the most useful expressions used at work

时间:2009-05-22 09:13:24



Carmela:You’ll hear the most useful expressions used at work, and there’ll be lots of phrases so have a pen and paper ready so that you can write down the language used. Last time we gave you some useful expressions for connecting callers – for putting people through, for taking messages and for dealing1 with wrong numbers.   Now, this time we’ll be looking at making arrangements…..such as arranging appointments and booking flights and accommodation(住处,膳宿).  As usual, I’m joined by David Evans, our business English expert.   David, why is it so useful to have quick expressions for these situations?

David:     I suppose it’s because when we make arrangements we want to make sure that we are communicating clearly, quickly and efficiently2. After all making arrangements can be complicated3 enough, without having to struggle to find the write English phrase.

Carmela:  Well, let’s have a listen to the right English phrases now in the following 

telephone conversation. Someone wants to make an appointment – do they 



David:  Education Department. 

Rachel:  Hi David, it’s Rachel.  Can I speak to Jenny please? 

David:  Oh, hi Rachel, I’m sorry she’s on the other line right now, can I help? 

Rachel:  Well actually I’m phoning to arrange an appointment.  She wanted to see 

me about the schools project - towards the end of this week, I think she said. 

David:  Okay, let me see … (consults the diary) .how about Thursday morning? 

Rachel:  I can’t make it in the morning, I’m afraid.  I’m over at the other site.  Can 

Jenny do the afternoon? 

David:  No, she’s got a meeting for most of the afternoon.  What about Friday then? 

Rachel:  Sure.  Some time in the morning? 

David:  Yes, I think the best time would be about 11. 

Rachel:  Fine by me.  So 11am this Friday. 

David:  It’s in the diary Rachel.    See you then! 

Rachel:  Will do. Thanks David, bye! 




Carmela:Well the appointment’s finally made, but only after a lot of discussion5! David, can you tell us about the phrases that the caller used to explain why they were making the phone call?

David:Right at the beginning, the caller said, I’m phoning to arrange an appointment….Now the first half of that sentence is a very useful phrase - I’m phoning to ….you can use it in all sorts of contexts6. I’m phoning to enquire7 about something, I’m phoning to book a hotel room and in this case of course I’m phoning to arrange an appointment. Arrange is a verb you’ll often hear in this type of situation. You can arrange an appointment or arrange a meeting. Anytime where two or more people come together arrange is a very useful verb for you. 

Carmela: And then when they were discussing possible times for the appointment, they used some short phrases – what were they?

David:Short phrases to suggest the times or suggest the date. We heard two of them, How about? and What about? We heard the suggestion How about Thursday morning? and then later the secretary said What about Friday? We also heard the expression I can’t make it meaning it’s not possible for me to go to a meeting on that day. Make it again is used a lot when we’re talking about arrangements…. I can make it on Tuesday meaning it is possible for to go on Tuesday. I can’t make it on Thursday meaning that it’s not.

Carmela:Let’s hear another telephone conversation now.  This one is slightly more formal than the last one but is the language similar?



Michelle: Mr Hibberd’s office Peter: Hello, can I speak to Brian Hibberd, please? Michelle: I’m afraid he’s in a meeting until lunchtime.  Can I take a message? Peter: Well I’d like to arrange an appointment to see him, please.  It’s Peter Jefferson

here. Michelle: Could you hold on for a minute Mr Jefferson.  I’ll just look in the diary.  (pause,

rustle).   So when’s convenient for you?

Peter:Some time next week if possible.  I gather he’s away the following week.

Michelle:Yes, that’s right, he’s on holiday for a fortnight.  

Peter:Well, I need to see him before he goes away.  So would next Wednesday be



Michelle:Wednesday …let me see … he’s out of the office all morning.  But he’s free in the afternoon, after about 3. 

Peter:3 o’clock is difficult.  But I could make it after 4.

Michelle:So shall we say 4.15 next Wednesday, in Mr Hibberd’s office?

Peter:Yes, that sounds fine. Thanks very much

Michelle:OK then, bye.


Carmela:Well a slightly more formal telephone conversation but yes, some of the language was quite similar. David, could you pick out some of the useful phrases that we heard?

David:Again we heard another phrase for suggesting a date. We heard Would next Wednesday be okay? And we heard that expression make it again …I could

make it after four.

Carmela:  Now, something else we often have to do on the telephone is book flights, book 

accommodation, especially if we have a meeting out of town or a conference to 

attend somewhere. During this next phone conversation listen out for some of 

those important phrases that will help you book and arrange what you need to. 


Dolores:  Hello! Dolores speaking! 

Tim: Dolores: Tim: Dolores: Tim: Dolores: Tim: Dolores Tim: Dolores: Tim: Dolores:  Ah, yes, hello.  I’d like to enquire about flights to Hong Kong from Kennedy airport in New York, please.  I’m off to a conference at the end of the month - Thursday 22nd until Tuesday 27th.  Could you tell me about the flight availability and prices? Certainly, do you want to go economy, business or first class? Well I’d like to go first class, but unfortunately I’ll have to go economy, company rules, you see.   (laughs) Yes, sure, I understand.   How many of you will be travelling? Ah, It’s just me. Okay so that’s one seat … economy … New York - Kennedy to Hong Kong airport …tap tap tap… .   And, how much will that be? Let me see …. to qualify8 for the discount rate, you need to stay over a Saturday, which you are doing …..  yes, that’ll be $830. Right, and does that include airport tax? No, tax is another $70 on top of that.  Okay.  Can I book that then? Certainly …… tap tap tap 




Carmela So what expressions did the caller use there?

DavidWell again the caller began by explaining why they were making the call. I’d like to enquire about flights? He could easily also have said I’m phoning to enquire about flights.  He then went on and asked his first question, Could you tell me about flight availbility? Again a useful phrase that - could you tell me about….Then towards the end of the conversation he wanted to check whether there were any extras in the price and he used the expression does that include airport tax? Again when your checking prices, very useful phrase - does that include…?

Carmela: Well the caller needed more information - this time about hotel rooms.  Let’s go back to that same conversation and listen to the phrases he uses to book a hotel room.



Dolores: And, can I help you with anything else? Tim: Yes, I’d like to book a hotel room too for the full 5 nights.  Could you check

if the Regency Hotel has any rooms free?

Dolores:Yes, they do.   

Tim:And is there a discount rate for conference delegates9(代表)?

Dolores:Yes, there is.  I think it’s 10% but I can check that for you.  

Tim:Okay, do you mind if I book it provisionally(暂时的,临时的) for now, and I’ll call you back later

to confirm.  I just need to check one or two details.    

Dolores: That’s fine sir.  Can I help you with anything else? Tim: No, that’s all for now.  As I said, I’ll call you back!



CarmelaThe caller wants a lot of information about the hotel, about prices.  Now David, can you isolate(隔离,孤立) some of the phrases that he uses to get the information quickly and easily?

DavidAgain, first of all he explains exactly what he wants using the phrase I’d like to, I’d like to book a hotel room. He then enquires10 about the price, using the expression is there a discount?  In other words he’s trying to find out if he can get a lower reduced price for the room. Is there a discount is a phrase you can use in many different situations. In a shop you might say is there a discount for cash? for example. 

CarmelaAnd it’s useful to be able to reserve something but not actually commit yourself to(承诺,束缚) it. How did the caller make that arrangement?

DavidThe phrase he used was would you mind if I book that room provisionally and then call back later to confirm? Now, what he means by that is it’s not a definite(明确的,确定的), fixed11, firm booking. Would you mind if I book that room provisionally? So the receptionist will write it down but it’s not a fixed booking because he’s going to call back, he’s going to call again to confirm that he really wants the room.

Carmela  Let’s have another quick listen to those phrases. Is there a discount, book 

provisionally and confirm later…. 


Tim:  And is there a discount rate for conference delegates? 

Dolores:  Yes, there is. I think it’s 10 percent but I can check that for you.  

Tim:  Okay, do you mind if I book it provisionally for now and I’ll call you back 

later to confirm.  I just need to check one or two details.     

Dolores:  That’s fine sir.  Can I help you with anything else? 

Tim:  No, that’s all for now.  As I said, I’ll call you back.    






1 dealing NvjzWP     
  • This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.该商店因买卖公道而享有极高的声誉。
  • His fair dealing earned our confidence.他的诚实的行为获得我们的信任。
2 efficiently ZuTzXQ     
  • The worker oils the machine to operate it more efficiently.工人给机器上油以使机器运转更有效。
  • Local authorities have to learn to allocate resources efficiently.地方政府必须学会有效地分配资源。
3 complicated 9vjzzD     
  • The poem is so complicated that I cannot make out its meaning.这首诗太复杂,我理解不了它的意思。
  • This is the most complicated case I have ever handled.这是我所处理过的最为复杂的案子。
4 clip dqBza     
  • May I clip out the report on my performance?我能把报道我的文章剪下来吗?
  • She fastened the papers together with a paper clip.她用曲别针把文件别在一起。
5 discussion 2PBzj     
  • It is certain he will come to the discussion.他肯定会来参加讨论。
  • After months of discussion,a peace agreement is gradually taking shape.经过几个月的商讨,和平协议渐渐有了眉目。
6 contexts 9be90dc64c1f5b5c993ff11d732a8da0     
上下文( context的名词复数 ); 背景; 投资环境; 设备场境
  • Even seemingly innocuous words are offensive in certain contexts. 甚至看似毫无恶意的言辞在某些语境下都会引起冒犯。
  • Handheld devices are used in a variety of specific contexts. 手持设备会用在各种各样的具体情境下。 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
7 enquire 2j5zK     
  • She wrote to enquire the cause of the delay.她只得写信去询问拖延的理由。
  • We will enquire into the matter.我们将调查这事。
8 qualify oCFyi     
  • I won't qualify until next year.我明年才具备资格。
  • You must qualify yourself for the post.你必须使自己具备担任这一工作的资格。
9 delegates f6181d3345b223dc5fcaf31ceaaa79c3     
代表,代表团成员( delegate的名词复数 )
  • The conference was attended by delegates from 56 countries. 此次会议有来自56个国家的代表出席。
  • Delegates expressed strong opposition to the plans. 代表强烈反对这些计划。
10 enquires 82dfe3eb42e390810f38a6a7eac0c955     
打听( enquire的第三人称单数 ); 询问; 问问题; 查问
  • I should make a few discreet enquires about the firm before you sign anything. 我应该先审慎打探一下这家公司的底细,然后您再签字。
  • They enjoy popularity among our customers and the customers make enquires ceaseless. 在客户中受到极大欢迎,并且需求不断。
11 fixed JsKzzj     
  • Have you two fixed on a date for the wedding yet?你们俩选定婚期了吗?
  • Once the aim is fixed,we should not change it arbitrarily.目标一旦确定,我们就不应该随意改变。

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