

时间:2009-09-16 02:35:27



Useful expressions1

1. be afraid of
2. agree to do sth.
3. not…at all
4. one after another
5. at last
6. at once
7. at the same time
8. at work
9. be away from
10. go away
11. make the bed
12. do one’s best
13. be busy with
14. be busy doing sth
15. by bus /car / plane
16. catch up with
17. catch cold
18. day after day
19. do some cleaning
20. eat up / use up
21. in the end
22. fall ill
23. on foot
24. make friends with sb.
25. in front of
26. get back /in /off /on
27. get on with
28. give up
29. go on doing sth.
30. go shopping
31. be good at
32. hand in / out
33. have a good time
34. have breakfast / supper
35. have sports
36. hear from
37. here and there
38. hold a meeting
39. hold on
40. hurry up
41. keep on doing sth.
42. all kinds of
43. a kind of
44. laugh at
45. listen to sb.
46. no longer
47. look after / at / for/ up
48. make a mistake
49. make a noise
50. in the middle of
51. neither…nor
52. from now on
53. a number of
54. at once
55. once upon2 a time
56. put on / sth down / up
57. get / be ready
58. take / have a rest
59. ring up
60. send for
61. by the side of
62. go to sleep
63. stop sb. from doing sth.
64. take a walk
65. take away
66. take out
67. take down / off
68. take a train / bus
69. think about
70. all the time
71. on / in time
72. too…to
73. try on
74. turn off
75. wake up
76. by the way
77. one the / one’s way to…
78. write down
79. take a message for sb.
80. What a pity!
81. of course
82. turn left
83. feel well
84. neck and neck
85. fall behind
86. take turns
87. hands up
88. as usual
89. prefer a. to b.
90. You’d better not do sth.
91. Help oneself3 to sth.
92. change one’s mind
93. make a mistake
94. take one’s time
95. knock into sb.
96. be covered with
97. with one’s help
98. wear out
99. sell out
100. be in surprise

101. be afraid of the foot of
From Senior4 Book One
103. meet for the first time
104. at the beginning of
105. nice meeting you
106. go away
107. in one’s opinion
108. summer vacation
109. a general idea
110. find out
111. right now
112. from dawn5 until dark
113. go on doing sth
114. by the lights of
115. as a result
116. pump6 water
117. on an open fire
118. give one’s regards7 to sb.
119. that’s nice of sb.
120. send sb. best wishes
121. follow one’s instructions
122. by the side of
123. at the end of
124. a little man with glasses
125. have a way of doing sth.
126. dip8 sth.into sth.
127. hold up
128. instead of
129. make a face
130. have difficulty9 in doing sth
131. have difficulty with sth.
132. know about
133. more or less
134. stay the same
135. way of life
136. bring in
137. I guess
138. go off to Guangzhou
139. see
140. take a taxi
145. a friend of mine
146. by air /sea
147. say Hi to A. from B.
148. have a good trip
149. tie the boat to a tree
150. by the river bank
151. all night long
152. be about to do sth.
153. nothing except / but
154. at a high price
155. stay long
156. cover a.with b.
157. so that
158. in rows
159. from now on
160. in order to
161. make sure
162. knock sb. down
163. obey the rules
164. break the rules
165. in the past
166. wash away
167. take a look at
168. take a picnic
169. a great many
170. agree on
171. supply10 sb. sth
172. all over the country
173. at the crossing
174. plenty of
175. as soon as possible
176. set up
177. spend doing / on sth.
178. as follows
179. fall off / down
180. for quite a while
181. a great part of
182. on the morning of
183. the number of
184. cut off
185. at 5.3 centimetres11 a year
186. as a result of
187. It is said that
188. do one’s best to do sth.
189. change a. for b.
190. a waste of money
191. make a decision
192. go up
193. bring down
194. get do sth.
195. be used12 to doing sth.
196. keep a record of
197. thanks to
198. at one time
199. make plans for
200. at home and abroad

201. take up
202. every four years
203. take part in /join in / compete13 in
204. used to do sth.
205. hear of
206. on / over / through the radio
207. be well thought of
208. make fun of sb.
209. not just…but…
210. The more,the better.
211. That’s easy said than done.
213. go with
214. give advice to sb.
215. from month to month
216. write to sb.
217. tens of thousands of
218. be well received
219. be of great help
220. write to/ about/write for
221. fight against, fight for
222. She did all (that )she could (do) to help him
223. She did what she could do to help him.
224. no more than
225. in one’s spare time
226. break out, break into ,
227. break down
228. early the next morning
229. be sad at sth.
230. consider sb to be.
231. be beaten to death
232. measure14 a. with b.
233. get along well with
234. ask sb. for sth.
235. tell lies
From Senior Book Two
236. advise15 sb. To do sth.
237. have a good rest
238. take the medicine
239. get a cough / headache
240. I suggest16 sb. do sth.
241. and so on
242. be measured17 in calories18
243. burn up
244. be rich / low /high in
245. in the form of
246. scores of
247. put on /lose weight
248. look out
249. be on fire / catch fire
250. in that case
251. turn the gas off
252. sound the fire alarm19
253. be trapped20 in
254. belong to
255. in the ceiling21 of
256. get close to
257. at present
258. long ago
259. the number of sth.
260. It is hoped that
261. be invited to
262. call on sb.
263. Sth. look nice on sb.
264. pay back
265. be worth
266. at the most
267. pick up
268. to one’s surprise
269. offer sth. to sb.
270. think of / think about
271. be cross
272. look down upon sb.
273. in the beginning
274. come out
275. again and again
276. a paper-making factory
277. catch /have a cold
278. come across sb.
279. cut up
280. praise sb. for sth.
281. in one’s fifties
282. give advice on sth.
283. receive a doctor’s degree
284. be supported by sb.
285. close friends
286. translate a. into b.
287. make progress
288. before long /long before
289. stand for
290. be made up of
300. be famous for

301. be devided into
302. be full of / be filled with
303. live on potatoes
304. keep in touch with sb.
305. go to church
306. play an important part in
307. feel like doing sth.
308. on the edge22 of sth.
309. all through the year
310. rise by 63 metres
311. be in danger
312. stone by stone
313. work on sth.
314. be marked with
315. at breakfast
316. in danger
317. make a good effort23
318. date from
319. be busy with
320. knock out of
321. point out
322. turn over
323. go against
324. year after/by year
325. agree to do sth.
326. now and then
327. give a talk
328. send out
329. get through
330. ring sb.back / up
331. May I have your attention?
332. receive an invitation24
333. accept the invitation
334. be out of breath25
335. turn down
336. ring off
337. for free
338. become interested in
339. form a pop group
340. manage to do sth.
341. persuade26 sb. to do sth



1 expressions 1476dfb963d54c697399a79fafa90151     
n.表情( expression的名词复数 );表示;(数学)表达式;词
  • ritualized expressions of grief 以例行的方式表达悲伤
  • The fashionable remarks of today often become the commonplace expressions of tomorrow. 今天的时髦话往往变成明天的陈词滥调。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 upon PjCwJ     
  • I hope that fortune may smile upon you.我希望幸运之神会向你微笑。
  • I rely upon you to finish the work on time.我相信你会准时完成这项工作的。
3 oneself uINxC     
  • If one wants to learn it,one must do it oneself.要想学会它就得亲自去做。
  • It is not good to think only of oneself.只为自己着想是不好的。
4 senior Rz3wj     
  • My brother is senior to me by two years.我哥哥比我年长两岁。
  • They are senior students.他们是高年级学生。
5 dawn POZzT     
n.黎明,拂晓;开始,发端;vi. 破晓;开始,初现;渐被理解或感知
  • The enemy opened fire on our lines at early dawn.拂晓时敌人向我阵线开了火。
  • At dawn they started off to work in the fields.天一亮他们就下地干活去了。
6 pump Z0Dz4     
  • Shall I stop the pump?我可以停泵吗?
  • He has a bicycle pump.他有一个自行车打气筒。
7 regards rkAzQC     
  • David sends his warmest regards to your parents. 戴维向你的父母致以最热烈的问候。
  • Please give my regards to him. 请代我向他致意。
8 dip cujxm     
  • The sun seems to dip into the sea each evening.每晚太阳都好像沉到海里去了。
  • Dip your fingers in to see how hot the water is.把手指伸进水里看有多热。
9 difficulty pvUxW     
  • If there is any difficulty,please let us know promptly.倘有困难,请迅速通知我们。
  • A little difficulty like this is nothing to us.这点困难算不了什么。
10 supply ThyzTI     
  • The shop was unable to supply what she wanted.这商店不能供应她所需要的商品。
  • We can supply the goods from our main store.这些货我们可以由总店供应。
11 centimetres 51297d25925a727d062b94ac265e4c3c     
n.厘米( centimetre的名词复数 )
  • This is a ruler graduated in both inches and centimetres. 这是一把刻有英寸和厘米的尺子。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • This ruler has one scale in centimetres and another in inches. 这把尺子上有厘米和英寸二种刻度。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
12 used ajBwV     
  • I used to work until nearly 6:00 o'clock each day.我过去常常工作到6:00左右。
  • He used to walk anywhere from two to five miles an hour.他过去经常一小时走二至五英里。
13 compete 7XSzX     
  • They knew they could not compete against business from the U.S. 他们知道他们无法与美国在商业上进行竞争。
  • I compete with you for that position.我和你竞争那个职位。
14 measure T70zd     
  • Measure the body temperature before work each day.员工每天开始工作前要量度体温。
  • We measure the temperature with a thermometer.我们用温度计测量温度。
15 advise jKPyk     
vt.劝告,通知,与…商量,建议;vi. 提意见,商量
  • I strongly advise against it.我强烈反对这样做。
  • We advise that steps be taken at once.我们建议立即采取措施。
16 suggest nsDw2     
  • I suggest trying once more.我建议再试一次。
  • I suggest you save your breath.我劝你少开口。
17 measured 3odzBp     
adj.仔细斟酌的,慎重的;缓慢而又有节奏的v.量( measure的过去式和过去分词 );测量;衡量;量出
  • The storm measured 10 on the Beaufort scale . 这次风暴按蒲福风级测量为10级。
  • He delivered his words in slow, measured cadences. 他讲话缓慢而抑扬顿挫、把握有度。
18 calories fbf9d4df65733515ebbe412dcb9e19c4     
n.大卡( calorie的名词复数 );千卡(食物所产生的能量单位);卡路里;卡(热量单位);卡路里,大卡路里( calory的名词复数 )
  • No sugar for me, thanks—I'm counting my calories . 我不要糖,谢谢。我在控制摄取的热量。
  • Her diet restricts her to 1500 calories a day. 她的规定饮食限制她每天摄入1500大卡热量。 来自《简明英汉词典》
19 alarm VxTz2     
  • The man on duty rang an alarm.值班员发出警报。
  • The alarm spread rapidly.警报迅速传开。
20 trapped trapped     
adj. 捕获的,被困的,截留的 动词trap的过去式和过去分词形式
  • Two passengers are still trapped in the wreck. 有两名乘客仍被困在失事的车辆里。
  • The thief was trapped by the police in an old house. 小偷被警察困在一所旧房子里。
21 ceiling vw0zpj     
  • It took more or less a whole day to paint the ceiling.粉刷天花板用了将近一整天的时间。
  • A fly is on the ceiling.一只苍蝇在天花板上。
22 edge xqoxx     
  • Sight along the edge to see if it's straight.顺着边目测,看看直不直。
  • She lived on the extreme edge of the forest.她住在森林的最边缘。
23 effort 0qLxh     
  • I will make every effort to arrive on time.我将尽一切努力准时到达。
  • There isn't much time ahead,so we should redouble our effort.来日无多,须加倍努力。
24 invitation j4txA     
  • Thank you for your invitation.谢谢你的邀请。
  • You didn't send me an invitation!你没送我请帖!
25 breath 9SCyv     
  • I'm just going out for a breath of fresh air.我正要出去呼吸新鲜空气。
  • While climbing up the stairs the old man always loses his breath.那老人上楼时总是气喘吁吁的。
26 persuade 3MzxQ     
  • Can you persuade him out of his foolish plans?你能说服他放弃他那愚蠢的计划吗?
  • It's easy to persuade him if you go the right method.只要你的方法得当,说服他并不难。