1.英语听力:自然百科 死海未来可能干涸
Praised far and wide for the reputed healing powers of its minerals and waters, the Dead Sea has been luring visitors for thousands of years. But thes...
2.英语听力:自然百科 迷路者绕圈走?
A familiar legend is that when people get lost in the woods, they walk in circles. Now, according to research conducted at the Max Planck Institute fo...
3.英语听力:自然百科 萤火虫为何会发光?
This week on Why? Tell Me Why! We are answering a viewer question as to why lightning bugs light up. Lightning bugs light up basically to find a mate....
4.英语听力:自然百科 宠物针灸治疗法
At 10 years old, Maddie the Great Dan is feeling her age, arthritis and damaged nerves in her spine weakened her hind legs and brought her pain. It go...
5.英语听力:自然百科 动物大迁徙
Every fall, this herd of pronghorn antelope treks more than 100 miles from Grand Teton National Park to their winter habitat in the Upper Green River ...
6.英语听力:自然百科 澳洲夜宴蛙
The tiny northern corroboree frog of Australia is only just hanging on. Populations of both the northern and southern corroboree frogs have declined c...
7.英语听力:自然百科 古罗马皇帝维斯帕西安的降生地
Archeologists in Italy have unearthed a sprawling country villa they believe to be the birthplace of Vespasian, the Roman emperor who ordered the begi...
8.英语听力:自然百科 表情机器人
A walking humanoid robot(类人机器人) able to use its whole face and body to express emotion was unveiled this week in Japan. The robot was created by ...
9.英语听力:自然百科 雷雨天,最安全的地方是?
This weekend Why Tell Me Why were answering a viewer question about lightning safety. So you want to find out where the safest place to be is in the l...
10.英语听力:自然百科 放生企鹅
Queuing like school children, these penguins are waiting to receive the life-saving medicines and nutrition. They owe their lives to SANCCOB, the Sout...