第一, 迷你对话 A: How nice to see you again! 又见面了,真高兴。 B: Yes. You havent change a bit. 是啊,你一点都没变。 A: Really? I feel my age. 真的...
第一, 迷你对话 A: Do you believe Toms promise? 你相信汤姆的承诺吗? B: I feel in my bones that he is lying. 我敢肯定他在说谎。 A: Yeah. He always bre...
第一, 迷你对话 A: You look like a million dollars in your new dress. 你穿这身衣服看上去特别迷人。 B: Its very nice of you to say so. My mother chose ...
第一, 迷你对话 A: I simply cant bear your behavior. 我简直忍受不了你的行为。 B: Dont pretend that you are a good god. 别装正经了。 A: You should feel...
第一, 迷你对话 A: One day when we were at a dance, Mary said that she wanted to have a good talk with me. 有一天在跳舞的时候,玛丽说想要和我好好谈谈...
第一, 迷你对话 A: Maybe you are right. But in most cases I get sick of people who keep smiling. 也许你是对的,在大多数情况下,我还是讨厌那些始终微笑...
A: Let me see. How much should I pay for you? 让我想想,我应该付你多少钱? B: Dont think about it! 别想了。 A: No, this will not do. Let me see. 那不...
第一, 迷你对话 A: Jim and you are bosom friends, arent you? Jim和你是知心朋友,对吧。 B: I wouldnt say so. 我可不这样想。 A: What do you mean? 这话什...
A: Im sure that the boy will become nobody when he grows up. 我敢肯定那个男孩儿长达后一事无成。 B: Be careful of what you say, or youll have to eat hu...
A: I am fed up with Jack. He is so weak in dealing with other people and always eat dirt. 我受不了Jach了,他交际太差,总是忍气吞声。 B: So he is. But,...