1.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 珊瑚礁至雨林(29)
These footprints belong to one of the biggest land animals in Australia. 这些脚印属于澳大利亚最大的陆地动物之一。 The cassowary, a flightless bird tha...
2.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 珊瑚礁至雨林(30)
But there are now less than 2,000 living here, and they are becoming rarer all the time. 但现在只有不到2000只食火鸟了,它们的数量一直不断减少。 Before...
3.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(30)
A baby grouper,only a centimeter in length,that will one day grow into a giant,over 2 meters long. 小石斑鱼现在只有1厘米长,但很快就会长成2米多的大鱼...
4.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(29)
The rising water temperature also sets the conditions for the most remarkable events on the reef. 升高的水温也为珊瑚礁最壮观的景色提供了温床。 On only...
5.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(28)
A bent twig it seems it's just the thing. 这根稻草看起来正是它要找的。 A few more of them now have a nest, if you can call it that, ready for their si...
6.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(27)
A pair of noddy terns fly close together over the island on the reef. 一对白顶玄燕鸥在礁石岛上空比翼而飞。 They are two mates, reaffirming their bond....
7.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(26)
At night, the corals don't just hunt. 夜晚的珊瑚虫不单单捕食。 When territory is at stake, whole colonies go to war with one another. 它们还常因地盘之...
8.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(25)
Because of their sophisticated senses and remarkable physique, white tips are great reef hunters. 精密的感官和不寻常的体型使得白顶礁鲨成为礁石群中当之...
9.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(24)
Their snake-like bodies can even wriggle into crevices. 它们蛇一般的身形可以挤进礁石的缝隙当中。 And they can fold their dorsal fin flat to squeeze th...
10.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(23)
Within half an hour, the fish is completely enveloped in a slimy cocoon, which traps its smell. 不到半个小时,鹦鹉鱼就整个包裹在一个防止气味外泄的黏糊...